Citizen Action

Thinking Out Loud

Submitted by ub on

The impacts of 911 are still being felt, yet others today are doing far worse damage and causing more deaths in the name of political ideology than the carnage caused by the attacks on September 11, 2001.  

First, the insurrectionists on January 6, but instead of saying never forget this seditious act. Let us ask ourselves why we’re not the unified humanity we need to be in order to prevent another blight on history?

Essential Vax and Mask

Submitted by ub on

It’s another dangerous lie that kids don’t catch #COVID. Our school teachers are so worried why have you told them to scrap bubbles, mask-wearing, and social distancing when cases of the delta variant are at their peak. Why can’t our kids get vaccinated?

Those who are unwilling to sacrifice a small part of their quality of life and daily comforts for the good of our country seem to be making the loudest noise right now. But the statistics show that they have never been in the majority.

To Be Corona Free

Submitted by ub on

#DONews reminds our thousands of readers and followers that we support science as well as wearing #Masks because it could reduce the risk of spreading #COViD and any other breakthrough infections throughout  the entire world 🌍  population.

Human Kindness

Submitted by ub on

Every one of us holds the power to heal. To have a real impact on the health of the people around you. We all do it daily.

This is the real reason why modern medicine is ripe for a change in perspective. Because each of us is a human being in search of kindness and understanding. Our body, mind, and spirits are one and the same.

The world's oldest news organization offers these close-up photos of this pandemic-era Olympic Games, you can imagine the world's most competitive athletes saying to their rivals: “Are you OK?” 

Vote The GOP Out

Submitted by ub on

The American people are mad as hell and will not allow the Republicans to continue lying, denying, and delaying our needed progress.

#twiceImpeached #OneTerm #LameDuck Donald Trump's political groups continue spending thousands at his properties, long after the campaign has ended, according to new filings.

COVID Keeps Spreading

Submitted by ub on

Given the severity of the Delta variant, the USA health officials from CDC have once again asked everyone - unvaccinated and vaccinated - to use a mask indoors in high-risk areas - which is most of the country. The virus does not distinguish between countries, Remember and do not forget.

A State of Confusion

Submitted by ub on

Boldly visit or hardly live there as the current situation develops the speed in which the Sunshine State is heading has one way to go.

Florida breaks new #COVID hospitalization record. But instead of fighting the pandemic, No MoRon De Santis is putting obstacles to the use of face masks, and mock8ng science. Shouldn't he be asked to resign before more more people die?

Common Truths

Submitted by ub on

A breakdown of America’s political tribes overlooks the millions that voted for a real POTUS. Saluting USA working-class heroes.

US politics feels like a fight to the death between well-meaning patriots out to defend the good of the country and madmen who aim to destroy it. As @TheDemocrats continue to represent forgotten Americans, they will keep voting for real representation. Taxpayers and registered voters, it's now time to wake up and smell reality. The truth is that Democrats will always continue to be advocates for the common man.

No More Bullying

Submitted by ub on

After years of bullying from a lost political party of liars and cheaters, everyone should agree the we forever reject the toxic practice.

These past years were an American disaster orchestrated by a chaotic and toxic person who habitually seeks to harm and intimidate anyone perceived as vulnerable. Stopping it is a necessary ethical building block of society.

Georg Frederic Handel reportedly held a soprano out the window by her ankles. Beethoven kept throwing wild tantrums from the piano. Arturo Toscanini was heard screaming at his musicians in the NBC Orchestra.