News Media


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Beware of colorful journalism that could be hazardous to our overall public health reports. A word to the wise is sufficient.

News Media 2023

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Published reports are predicting newspapers will stop daily print production this year due to rising print costs and weakening of distribution networks. We may also see a further spate of venerable titles switching to an online-only model.

TV and broadcasters will be at the forefront of news layoffs as audiences are hit by fatigue and competition from streamers. More media will talk openly about a time when linear transmissions might be diminished. There will be a partial switch as an ad-based model increases the pressure further on advertising revenue.

Hyper-Local News

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Back in September of last year, The North Shore Leader broke t story when few others were covering Santos, about his “inexplicable rise” in reported net worth, from essentially nothing in 2020 to as much as $11 million two years later.

RIP Barbara Walters

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Barbara Walters shattered the TV News Glass ceiling for female journalists, Barbara Walters, who began on ‘TODAY,’ dies at age 93.

Barbara Jill Walters was an American broadcast journalist and television personality. Known for her interviewing ability and popularity with viewers, Walters appeared as a host of numerous television programs, including Today, The View, 20/20, and the ABC Evening News

My favorite was her one-on-one with Castro

No Gain Brings Pain

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Are media organizations passing their pain on to the main lane of loyal employees who they feel have slowed their lack of gain?

And what about the audience which has to endure the gray days of Winter that are getting uglier. It seems as though every news organization may be shrinking toward next year through layoffs, hiring freezes, or otherwise downsizing.

Why do CNN and Gannet continue to lay off staff members at a record rate during the holiday season?

CNN lays off hundreds of staff

Favorite Journalism Films

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As a longtime supporter and POYNTER participant, it is my pleasure to present the following result of its survey. asked on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Reddit, and then compiled votes into a final list of favorites. They published a list before from senior media writer Tom Jones but wanted to hear from us. 

The Mourning News

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After working in TV news production for many years, Olivia is one of the reasons why I decided to stop watching the mourning news.

I have worked in print, radio, television, cable, and online media with commercial, governmental, educational as well as non-profit and in a couple of languages. 

A Burned Bird?

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A bird experiences first, second or third degree burns depending of the tissue damage as a result of chemicals, electricity, heat or sale.

Elon Musk reportedly ousted some of Twitter's top executives, including its CEO, General Counsel and CFO, after completing his $44 billion takeover deal. He then tweeted "the bird is freed" We wonder if the bird is fried, or burned?

Adios JJ

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During my Spanish-language media career I have worked with two broadcasters I’ve known as JJ - Jesus Javier and Jaime Jarrin.

Lock Him Up

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No longer kept at bay by the presidency, US Congress the Justice Department and state prosecutors are going for citizen Trump.

The bipartisan select committee of Congress investigating the January six attack on the US Capitol House voted unanimously to subpoena Donald J Trump. The leadership says “We have left no doubt, none, that Donald Trump led an effort to upend American democracy that directly resulted in the violence of January 6th. Trump is not above the law!’