
Redirected 重定向 Redirigido

Submitted by ub on

Sometimes when things seem to be going wrong, we feel like it's the end of the world because we can't see beyond the big picture. When we look back we realize that those hardships were our beautiful destiny. 

My Tiger Year

Submitted by ub on

As the Grand animal of the year, all eyes will be on Tigers. I’ll prepare for a moment in the spotlight to ensure A truly successful cycle.

That means steering clear of distractions and focusing on improving my knowledge and skills. My efforts will be noticed, especially at work. Every twelve years, our animal approaches us. I am The Tiger.

Daily Improvements

Submitted by ub on

More than being smart is required in this day and age and especially if you happen to work remotely, rely on a very high EQ.

Daily improvement is the strategy of making constant, incremental improvements each and every day in order to feel and achieve impressive long-term gains. While many see it as a short-term event, it is much more powerful when an entire workforce engages in daily improvement efforts and stays focused.

Apple Pie and Coffee

Submitted by ub on

On this first and coldest day of the season, I decided to enjoy the classic American breakfast combination of Apple Pie and Coffee.

There is a back story to this. When our family migrated from Cuba and I did not speak English, and neither did my parents. They taught me two phrases. ‘ I know nothing about politics’  and ‘ Apple Pie and Coffee’. Those were the first words I memorized learned how to say.


You never know when you’ve going to need one, so it is better to be safe than to be sorry you did not take the time to plan ahead.

To be better safe than sorry is to be cautious or prepared so that you do not later make a mistake. People who are better safe than sorry arrange and organize ahead of time so that they do not have to face negative consequences in the future. This may mean they are physically safe or that they are safe from bad events.


Submitted by ub on

Including our family, early school friends, and former neighbors, who would you say are the 12 best people to be thankful for?

Thanksgiving is when we are supposed to share gratitude. We recount all the stuff we love having but in reality, that’s little more than a Tarzan-like pharisaical breast-beating. 

Great Birthday Gifts

Submitted by ub on

I got wonderful gifts for my birthday, including a modern air purifier from my dear daughters.

The surprises included texts that I read as well as cards, emails and voice mails I heard. However since I no loger visit that platform which has recently lost face, I apologize to all those freinds who may have sent greetings, but did not take the time required to read my parting messages of Adios Amigos, ands Hasta La Vista!

Columbus or Indigenous Peoples Day?

Submitted by ub on

Columbus or Indigenous Peoples Day? It no longer matters because I was born on October 12, before Nixon changed it to a Monday.

My birthday still comes on the 12th, but it is no longer Columbus, or Indigenous Peoples Day. Meanwhile, a growing number of municipalities have been slowly replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day.

Our Favorite Trimester

Submitted by ub on

Seasons Greetings from #CityImages. This is the first full week of the most wonderful three months and our favorite time of the year.

And so it begins... The best trimester of the year. Regardless of whether you're using the ancient Aztec Calendar or not.

We enjoy these three months because October's still Hispanic History Month, UB’s birthday, and then followed by Halloween. November is Thanksgiving, a time to enjoy family and friends. December is Christmas, a time when everyone feels special.