Criminal Justice


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The timing of the sudden firing of the real  -UCKER may have come down to one obvious calculation- It was now time to take out the garbage!

The half-baked ideas of the one-time popular tv dinner heir were apparently burning up the billionaire's media empire and he had to put a sudden stop to it.

While he may have made a bet that the odds may remain in his favor, it is a gutsy move, and not clear how things will end when the dice stop rolling.


Submitted by ub on

We begin with where it all started, with the Russia investigation, the Jan 6 Probe, fraud, financial crimes, foreign lobbying, contempt of Congress, and hush money with surely more indictments to come. The Web Master’s real master appears to be Putin.


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Veni, Vidi, Vici is a Latin phrase that translates to: Came, Saw, Conquered but collected 34 criminal felony indictments in NYC.

The phrase could be attributed to Orange Julius, who may use it in a social media post to refer to his three crimes of politically motivated payoffs. However, In this historic indictment, Manhattan DA laid out what he needed to do and nothing more or less that was legally required.


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During his failed presidency, Don John was impeached, lost re-election, tried to overthrow the government, and was indicted.

He failed at building the wall, and infrastructure, creating jobs, and offering healthcare and was responsible for multiple deaths by being the loser liar he will always be.


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The Donald has much to worry about as the legal walls continue closing in on him, which is something new he is experiencing.

Cause he's got New Accountability 
Walks with New Accountability 
Talks with New Accountability 
Lies with New Accountability 
Harms, with New Accountability 
Lusts, with New Accountability 
Because, of course, he's got
A big fat filthy mouth

Here Come Da Judge

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Here Comes Da Judge—order in the courtroom. Merci from Merchan, who won't take crap from defendant Donnie, tried as an adult.

All baby boomers may recall when Sammy Davis, Jr appeared on Laugh-In. His "Here comes da judge" made us laugh in the early '70s. Try it; you'll like it, and check out a short video HERE.


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The former guy is now an indicted criminal defendant in New York City on charges related to an alleged illegal $130,000 payment.

His former attorney Michael Cohen reportedly made the payment to adult film star Stormy. Daniels, in the final days of the 2016 presidential campaign, money allegedly paid to prevent the actor from publicly saying she had an affair with Trump.


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Is the world preparing to celebrate the indictment of Donito Assolini, an alleged American criminal who only cares about himself?

With Russia's help, he stole the first election but failed the second time because most American voters rejected lies. Like him, his shrinking minority continues to be election deniers, climate deniers, and haters. And so it goes… etc.

Law Catching Up To Trump

Submitted by ub on

No matter what you’re into, you'll find more to do in New York than you'll have time for. This includes time spent in court.

Ironically, DJ Trump was born nearly 77 years ago in New York City, and now it appears that he may be bitten BIGLY by legal eagles in The Big Apple, who insists he is not above the law. He claims to seek revenge and retribution and nothing else.