Health Care


Submitted by ub on

Everyone knows vaccines and masks reduce the spread of the global pandemic, so why are so many people refusing to participate?

Most reasonable folks may soon will begin demonstrations Monday in the hopes that it will serve to of pressure public safety  administrators to institute mask and vaccine mandates.

Racing Towards Destruction

Submitted by ub on

The crazy days of Autumn are here and quickly growing, while some #Republicans keep trying while innocent Americans keep dying.

Do we know who is paying the tab for others to take the lead in a @GOP race to destroy the fiber of #USA Democracy? The larger question is why and who is forcing these insane #Republicans who appear intent in killing innocent #Americans on their fast lane to the bottom?

GOP Undermines America

Submitted by ub on

Disgruntled Republicans since the former guy’s loss at the polls have actively undermined much, including masks and free vaccines.

The old and well-known saying that expresses a general truth if you can beat them, join them apparently no longer applies to Democracy deniers and naysayers, who are hell-bent on undermining the future of America. GOP  = Go Out Ponting and pushing their lips forward as an expression of annoyance. Anti-American media outlets have no begun hosting anti-vaccine and mask wearers as well as pro-war pundits.

3 Strikes Out?

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The folks who are fully vaccinated,may be excited about gathering with their family and friends again. They might even be planning a vacation. But there are still nagging questions about how long protection from the coronavirus vaccines will last. For instance, will your shot wear off gradually or suddenly? Will you need a booster

An Act of Love

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Pope Francis, The Holy Father, and Pontiff issues an urgent appeal urging people to get inoculated against COVID-19 now.

The Ad Council's latest pro-vaccination ad stars Pope Francis, joined by six cardinals and archbishops from North, Central, and South America.

Pope Francis, along with six cardinals & archbishops, share support for the COVID-19 vaccine in @AdCouncil PSA. The video will stream internationally in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, with a focus on Spanish-speaking countries. #CatholicTwitter

Delta’s No Lady

Submitted by ub on

It was going to be a new beginning with relative normalcy. However, it turned into a politicized, anxiety-provoking experience.

Breakthrough infections. Increased transmission. New mask recommendations and mandates. The #Delta variant is fueling #COVID-19 cases across the world and raising questions about what this all means for the course of the pandemic. It was first detected in India in March, and it now accounts for more than 93 percent of sequenced coronavirus cases in the USA.

200 Delightful Days

On this 200th day of Joe Biden's presidency, the forecast appears to be mostly sunny, with some clouds and scattered showers ahead. This, according to is a review of important data compiled from several major polls. President Biden said it best ‘ 200 days down – and America is moving forward once again.‘

By most measures, POTUS has gotten off to a strong start. President Biden’s overall job approval has had a solid majority while disapproval has stabilized significantly.

COVID Keeps Spreading

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Given the severity of the Delta variant, the USA health officials from CDC have once again asked everyone - unvaccinated and vaccinated - to use a mask indoors in high-risk areas - which is most of the country. The virus does not distinguish between countries, Remember and do not forget.

RIP GOP States

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Public health officials across the USA have begun reintroducing restrictions like mask orders, safe distance warnings and advisories for folks to once again start practicing safety procedures amid a surge of COVID cases.

Slice of NYC Paradise

The Big Apple and the surrounding boroughs offer one of the most fantastic health care systems available and access to amenities that can make it an ideal spot to live and also to retire. 

New York City is a wonderful place for young people to study, also to work and play as well as for elderly retirees. New York, New York - A city so nice, they had to name it twice. Excellent public transportation, great cultural landmarks, a plethora of attractions, and lots of services that attract people from all over er the world.