50th Anniversary of the March on Washington

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As the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom date approaches, religious leaders and scholars are available to discuss the significance of the Aug. 28, 1963 rally, one of the largest of the Civil Rights Movement; the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s
“I Have a Dream” speech; and their views on race, justice and equality.


The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom took place 50 years ago on August 28th at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. It was during this march that Dr. King gave his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech that has reverberated for decades. While we celebrate all that was achieved in the 50 years since that march, we recognize that the “Dream” has not been fulfilled and the battle for justice is ongoing.

The name of the march on August 24th is the “National Action to Realize the Dream March”. It is important that you use the name when speaking about the march so that people understand that this march is not just a commemoration, but a continuation of the efforts 50 years ago.

Jobs & the Economy – Jobs are still a major focus of the march 50 years later. Unemployment is still plaguing many communities. The black community still sees double the unemployment rates of the rest of the country. Youth unemployment is nearly six times higher.

Voting Rights – Voting Rights have been thrust to the forefront of the agenda after the Supreme Court dismantled a crucial section of the Voting Rights Act. Now, without protections to keep states with a history of disenfranchising voters, those states are left susceptible to new laws that threaten to keep them from the polls. This after winning crucial battles in 2012 against misleading claims of voter fraud.

Workers’ Rights – Workers’ Rights have been under attack in states across this country. Low wage earners in certain industries have been banned the right to unionize and collectively bargain for fair pay, benefits and other protections. Others who have been protected have had their rights attacked or taken away through the introduction and passage of bills that threaten workers’ protections.

Stand Your Ground Laws & Gun Violence – The Trayvon Martin and Marissa Alexander cases put Stand Your Ground laws under the microscope. The cases brought to light the inequalities that lie within its interpretation and the fact that it is in place in a majority of states underscores that we must fight to repeal the laws. Gun violence has been an issue in low income communities for years, but the Sandy Hook tragedy created an urgency to address gun laws. While Congress failed to act on sensible gun legislation, we must continue to demand action.

Women’s Rights – Women continue to have to fight laws that limit their ability to make decisions about their own health. Many states have legislation that has either recently passed or that has been introduced that eliminates a woman’s right to choose even in instances of incest, rape or health. Women are also still making less than male counterparts but living longer. The implications of this are numerous but keep women in vulnerable positions.

Immigration – Immigration reform has been discussed for many years, but gained traction in the recent months with the introduction and passage of a bill in Senate. While it has stalled in the House, this legislation will have a huge, positive impact on the economy and create civil rights for the millions of immigrants living in this country. Despite the fact that many immigrants are Latino, this is not just a Latino issue – it is an American issue. We need to grant amnesty to the many illegal immigrants who are here and allow them to achieve the American Dream.

Say Thanks To Teachers

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A teacher taught Shakespeare how to write"and If you loved a book, chances are you should thank your teacher.

With schools across the nation facing budget cuts, a glut of testing and unfair closures, many teachers have been at the forefront of the fight for quality education.

As teachers prepare for a new school year, now is the ideal time to show your appreciation.

Say it loud and make them proud!


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Many Cubans, including yours truly were saddened to learn about the recent death of the Latino humorist Guillermo Álvarez Guedes. Most recently the Cuban born broadcaster lived and passed away in Miami. Although the news was not spread by the official means, his many followers mourned the bad news almost immediately.

The late actor was a friend and he accompanied me to a Telemundo function at SOB, when I was news director in New York City many years ago. While enjoying many laughter filled hours with him before, during and after this seasonal function, I observed first hand how many admirers the GAG maestro had all over the Spanish speaking world.


He could have been as popular as Andy Rooney doing his regular TV commentary on the news.
This superstar comedian had numerous qualities, among them and perhaps of the most prominent, was his Cubanía on funny terms used by many Cubanos.


Yirong and Roberto Soto Wedding Pledge

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To never stop courting. Never stop dating. NEVER EVER take each other for granted. When we decided to get married, we promised each other that we would OWN EACH OTHERS HEART and would fiercely protect it. This is the most important and sacred treasure we will ever be entrusted with. WE CHOSE EACH OTHER and we’ll never forget it, or get lazy with love.

WE’LL PROTECT OUR OWN HEARTS. Just as we’re committed to being the protector of each others heart, we must also guard our own with the same vigilance. We will love ourselves fully, love the world openly, but there is a special place in our heart where no one must enter except us. We will keep that space for each other and refuse to let anyone or anything else enter there.

TO STAY IN LOVE. We will evolve and adjust. We’re not going to be the same people years from now that we are today. Change will come, and in that we have to re-choose each other everyday. WE MUST WORK TO STAY TOGETHER, and if we don’t take care of each other, who else will. We will always try to stay in passionate love just as we did when we were dating.

TO SEE THE BEST in each other. Focus only on what we love about each other. What we focus on will expand. If we focus on what bothers us, all we will see is reasons to be upset. If we focus on what we love, we can’t help but be consumed by love. Focus to the point where we can no longer see anything but love, and we know without a doubt that we’ll be the luckiest spouses on earth because we have the most amazing life partner.

IT’S NOT OUR JOB TO CHANGE OR FIX one another… our job is to love each other with no expectation of changing one another. And when we change, love what we become, whether it’s what you wanted or not.

TO TAKE FULL ACCOUNTABILITY for our own emotions: We are responsible for finding our own happiness, and through that our joy will spill over into our relationship and our love.

TO NEVER BLAME… If WE get frustrated or angry, it is only because it is triggering something inside. These are OUR emotions, and our responsibility. When we feel those feelings take time to look within and understand what it is inside that is asking to be healed.

TO SHARE our feelings. When there is sadness or one of us is upset, we will HOLD each other and say it’s going to be OK.

TO LISTEN to each other and show that we’re the most important person to one other and we are the pillars on which the other can always lean. Spirits may change and emotions will roll in and out, but we'll remain strong and non-judging.

WE WON’T RUN-AWAY WHEN one is upset. We will stand present and strong and let the other know we aren’t going anywhere. Listen to what the other is really saying behind the words and emotion.

LET US BOTH ACT SILLY… and never take ourselves so damn seriously. Laugh. And make each other laugh. Laughter makes everything else easier.

WE’LL FILL OUR SOULS EVERYDAY… Learn the language of love and the specific ways each other feels is very important, should be validated and CHERISHED.

We’ll create a list of THINGS that make each other feel loved and memorize those things and make it a priority everyday to make one another feel extremely special.

TO BE THERE FOR THE OTHER. Give each other our time, our focus, our attention and our souls. Do what it takes to BE together as ONE.

TO SHARE OUR SEXUALITY; to consume and devour each other with all of our strength, and to penetrate the deepest levels of our beings into softness trusting each other fully.

TO GIVE EACH OTHER SPACE… The good SPOUSE is good at giving and taking, and sometimes will need to be reminded to take time to nurture one another. SOMETIMES there will be a need to fly from our own branches to go and find what feeds the soul, and if we allow that space they will return with new songs to sing…

TO BE VULNERABLE… we don’t have to have it all together. Be willing to share our fears and feelings, and quick to acknowledge our mistakes. Especially those things we don’t want to share. It takes courage to fully love, to fully open our hearts and let the other in when we don't know the other will find... Part of that courage is allowing our partner to love completely, our darkness as well as our light. DROP THE MASK… or we will never experience the full dimension of what love can be.

TO KEEP GROWING TOGETHER… The stagnant pond breeds’ disease, the flowing stream is fresh and cool. Atrophy is the natural process when a muscle stops working, just as it is if we stop working on our relationship.

TO NOT WORRY ABOUT MONEY. Money is a means to find ways to work together as a team and to spend it. It never helps when teammates fight. Lets find ways to leverage both persons strength to earn.

TO FORGIVE IMMEDIATELY and focus on the future rather than carrying weight from the past. Don’t let our history hold us hostage. Holding onto past mistakes that either one of us makes, is like a heavy anchor to our marriage and will hold us back. FORGIVENESS IS FREEDOM. Cut the anchor loose and always choose love.

ALWAYS CHOOSE LOVE. This is the only rule we need. If this is the guiding principle through which all our choices are governed, there is nothing that will threaten the happiness of our marriage. Love endures.

A MARRIAGE isn’t about Happily ever after. It’s about work and a strong commitment to grow together and as well as a willingness to continually invest in creating something that can endure for eternity. Through that work, the happiness will follow.

Marriage is real life that brings ups and downs. Embracing all of the cycles and choosing to learn from and embrace each experience will give us strength and perspective to keep on building each day.

Photo: Breen Brothers


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Jose Alberto “El Canario, The Orquesta Hermanos Colon, and Angelo y su Conjunto Modelo are some of the musical groups that will participate in The Morrison Avenue Festival in the Bronx.

The festival, will provide free entertainment, games and music for the whole family including children's games.

This Festival, where 5,000 people are expected to attend, will take place tomorrow August 17, 2013 from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm in Morrison Avenue between Westchester and Watson, is sponsored by Well Care, Affinity Health Plan, and Be Live Hotels.

Latino College Fair

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The 6th Annual Latino College Fair will take place on Saturday, November 23rd @ Fordham University.

Please save the date for the 6th Annual Latino College Fair on Saturday, November 23, 2013! On that day a free “Planning and Paying for College Workshop” and Latino College Fair will be held at Fordham University, Rose Hill Campus in Bronx, New York. The event will feature an afternoon full of college information important to the Hispanic community and more, including:

These Scuttle Good Sex

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Our brain is the body’s most important sex organ. This well-known phrase bears more than a little truth. Functional sex organs, appropriate hormone levels, and the ability to become sexually aroused alone don’t guarantee good sex. Other factors — brain factors — can get in the way.

Relationship issues
Tension and emotional distance can undermine a couple’s sex life. Conflicts having nothing to do with sex, like finances or child-raising issues, can be at the root of a sexual problem. It works the other way, too: a sexual issue can strain a couple’s ability to get along.


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What is the geographic location of the most influential address in the world for people of distinction and big time spenders?

It is 740 Park Avenue, which is is located at the Northwest corner of 71st Street on the corner of East 71st Street in Manhattan. If you want to have some fun then check out and observe these billionaire tenants come and go.

This luxury apartment building on Park Avenue in Manhattan has been the home to many wealthy and famous residents like Rockefeller. The building also carries the address 71 East 71st Street.