Submitted by ub on

What is the geographic location of the most influential address in the world for people of distinction and big time spenders?

It is 740 Park Avenue, which is is located at the Northwest corner of 71st Street on the corner of East 71st Street in Manhattan. If you want to have some fun then check out and observe these billionaire tenants come and go.

This luxury apartment building on Park Avenue in Manhattan has been the home to many wealthy and famous residents like Rockefeller. The building also carries the address 71 East 71st Street.

This conservatively elegant building is muted luxury with its polished granite entrance that reeks of the prospects of satin sheets and the promise of the echoes of fine crystal.

It's truly wealthy people watching to the MAX.

Before, watch: Is the American Dream Out of Reach? http://video.pbs.org/video/2289397667