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Everyone has heard that it’s vital to get seven to nine hours of sleep a night, a recommendation repeated so often it has become gospel. Get anything less, and you are more likely to suffer from poor health in the short and long term—memory problems, metabolic issues, depression, dementia, heart disease, a weakened immune system.

But in recent years, scientists have discovered a rare breed who consistently get little shut-eye and are no worse for wear.


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Noche Buena celebrations depend on the region and the traditions locals choose to adopt. When our family traveled to Morelia, Michoacán in Mexico, the party started nine days before Noche Buena with celebrations called las Posadas. It literally means "lodging"—commemorate the journey of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth. At a posada, guests participate in an outdoor procession near the home singing villancicos, or holiday songs, and building piñatas.


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The Assisi region of Italy braces for a massive visitor influx as Jubilee year for Catholic devotees starts on Christmas Eve.

Some in the small, medieval town famed for St Francis worry too many people will come because of ‘Millennial saint’ Carlo Acutis

Meanwhile, the town’s tourism officials are using the opportunity to promote Assisi beyond its spiritual attractions, for example, its art, cultural events, Umbrian cuisine, or as a hiking destination.


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Pope Francis Names a late Web Designer as First Millennial Saint. The Pope announced the late web designer will be canonized.

Carlo Acutis, born to Italian parents in London, was a talented web designer who died from leukemia in Italy at just 15 years old in 2006. Pope Francis beatified him in 2020 in Assisi, where his tomb has since become a major pilgrimage site.

Acutis was a teenager who died of leukemia in 2006. He was known for: 


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There are 40 days and 40 nights remaining before the November general election for President of The United States of America.

Please, make sure you're registered to vote and cast your ballots because you do not want to be left out in the storm.

The significance of 40 days in the Bible is insightful and highlights how these periods often symbolize preparation, testing, and transformation. Each example you've provided—from Noah to Moses, Goliath, Jonah, and ultimately Jesus—underscores the idea that these times are pivotal in shaping faith and understanding.


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A ruler living in a shining city on a hill in a beautiful kingdom had two sons and a daughter.

His two sons always worried about the amount of goods they would inherit from their father. Resembling her father the most, the young daughter just watched and learned.

So the middle son said to the eldest, “Brother, our father wenches all  day, watches his money at night, and does not even feed us.”

That same day the ruler felt bored and decided to visit distant lands. So he called his sons and daughter and said, “Gather my belongings. I will go East.“


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According to The San Antonio Current, American guitar icon Carlo Santana attributes his success to Guadalupe and Metatron.

“I began to integrate B.B. King with Tito Puente, Cuco Sánchez with Ray Barreto, and Mongo Santamaría with Miles Davis. People said it was something new, but for me, it was only natural.”…


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Pope Francis sounds a dire warning about democracy on MAGA-type fascism and specifically warns against its dangers.

"It is evident that democracy is not in good health in today’s world," said Francis, head of the Catholic Church, during a visit to northern Italy. The 87-year-old pontiff said, "Indifference is a cancer of democracy. I am concerned about the small number of people who went to vote. Why is it happening?" said Francis.