Digital Democracy


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Trump is an evil criminal and his indifference during the Capitol insurrection, encapsulated in the phrase "So what?", raises critical questions about accountability and the values that underpin our American Democracy.

The reason why he has chosen another VP candidate is because he tried to get his last one taken out. The newly chosen one JD Vance's defense of Trump underscores a troubling trend where facts are twisted to fit a political narrative. As the general election approaches, these discussions will shape the way voters perceive both DJT and JDV.


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In the wake of the September 11 attacks, our nation, and allies came together in a remarkable display of resilience and unity.

Amid the tragic attacks that shook our country to its core and killed thousands of innocent people, Americans set aside their differences to unite and declare in one voice that we must persevere and pay tribute to all members of our military and recognize the brave responders who sacrificed their lives so we may continue to enjoy living in the greatest nation on earth.


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The new Republican Party is decomposing before our eyes and the whole world is watching in total alarm how they’ve devolved.

The Grand Old Party is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States. It emerged as the main political rival of the then-dominant Democratic Party in the mid-1850s, and the two parties have dominated American politics ever since.


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In descending order, the top languages, other than English spoken in the U.S., are Spanish, and Chinese. Therefore during difficult moments, look at the sky and remember that hope should never be abandoned and will give us the strength to move forward.

En orden descendente, los idiomas principales, además del inglés, que se hablan en EE. UU. son el español y el chino. Por lo tanto en los momentos difíciles, mira al cielo y recuerda que la esperanza nunca debe ser abandonada y siempre nos dará la fuerza para seguir adelante.


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“The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.” Shakespeare's “Julius Caesar.” soliloquy by Marc Antony. 

How can a brutal, and morally decrepit Republican Party treat Americans this way in this century? The 21st century is the current Anno Domini or Common Era, by the Gregorian calendar.


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It's concerning when leaders undermine the free press, as it's a cornerstone of democracy and essential for holding power to account.

My younger self reminds me that the responsibility of civic-minded folks, new media, and all citizen journalists is to continue challenging lies, disinformation, and exaggeration to hold leaders accountable now as it is crucial, particularly when trust in institutions is at an all-time low.


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Several topics need to be discussed with these following words to the wise for those who think on their feet and read between the lines.


Submitted by ub on

Elections have consequences 选举有后果 Las elecciones tienen consecuencias

The primordial issues of 2024 are immigration, economic opportunity, racial disparities, abortion, public education, gun violence, and America’s role in foreign wars will be in the spotlight more than ever during this general election cycle.


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To no one's surprise, TIME magazine has announced its 2023 Person of the Year: She is superstar singer-songwriter Taylor Swift.

Swift gave TIME an interview. She seldom gives exclusives. This was reportedly her first in-depth interview in years. Swift is perceived, globally, as a role model of empowerment for young people.