Digital Democracy


Submitted by ub on

Several topics need to be discussed with these following words to the wise for those who think on their feet and read between the lines.


Submitted by ub on

Elections have consequences 选举有后果 Las elecciones tienen consecuencias

The primordial issues of 2024 are immigration, economic opportunity, racial disparities, abortion, public education, gun violence, and America’s role in foreign wars will be in the spotlight more than ever during this general election cycle.


Submitted by ub on

To no one's surprise, TIME magazine has announced its 2023 Person of the Year: She is superstar singer-songwriter Taylor Swift.

Swift gave TIME an interview. She seldom gives exclusives. This was reportedly her first in-depth interview in years. Swift is perceived, globally, as a role model of empowerment for young people. 


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Open letter to Wikipedia-

I hope this finds all of you well. I wish to thank the folks at Wikipedia for their remarkable global mission to the people of the free world.

Free and open knowledge for all is incredibly important, and I encourage everyone who uses Wikipedia to donate if they can. We must support this resource so that it can continue to thrive and benefit all the people on Earth.


Submitted by ub on

The truth is that many people believe lying to pollsters is fair play. Political polling is a lot like the odds on racehorses.

Sometimes, it is more accurate than other times, but it helps if you buy a ticket to win, place, or show. In politics, it is all about winning. I do not have verifiable statistics, but I have sufficient anecdotal knowledge to believe that many people routinely lie to any pollster they encounter if they think it will help the viability of their candidate.

1984 2.0

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We don't have to be fans of George Orwell’s “1984.” It seemed lacking in the imaginative extrapolations from dystopian literature.


Submitted by ub on

What we can all agree on is the first step, folks. It’s not difficult, it’s easy after that.

Let us agree to disagree if necessary but with civility.


Submitted by ub on

I once had the pleasant surprise of meeting Alex while walking the stunning side streets of City Island - A Slice of NYC Paradise.

#AOC was running against Representative Crowley, who had held his seat far too long. She stopped and asked me if I would be voting for her. I told her not to waste her time because as an independent voter, with no political affiliations, I can not participate in political primaries.

76 Trump Bones

Submitted by ub on

There is only a fraction of GOP elected officials are backing him — but he's leading the pack on endorsements.