Submitted by ub on

The new Republican Party is decomposing before our eyes and the whole world is watching in total alarm how they’ve devolved.

The Grand Old Party is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States. It emerged as the main political rival of the then-dominant Democratic Party in the mid-1850s, and the two parties have dominated American politics ever since.

The new GOP now appears to enjoy drinking  " the Kool-Aid" which is often associated with the Jonestown massacre in Guyana on November 18, 1978, when over 900 members of the Peoples Temple movement died by drinking a cyanide-laced, powdered drink mix. The movement's leader, Jim Jones, ordered the mass suicide at the Jonestown pavilion after the murder of U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan and others nearby. Media reports at the time said that Jones had used Kool-Aid to poison his followers, but the actual drink used was Flavor Aid, a British product.

These political party members of the former guy’s cult are no longer interested in public service. The new #GOP is only in it for ME, not in serving #WeThePeople - Law-abiding, proud citizens of the #USA. They’re drinking the Kool-Aid. The phrase dates back to 1968 with the nonfiction book The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. A decade later associated with the events 46 years ago in Jonestown, on November 1978. It is now used to refer to #Republican reckless devotion.

Former Attorney General Bill Barr's Legacy as a Trump Toady keeps growing, like his and his former boss’ waistlines. Most recently the report that without coordinating with the US Park Police or the DC Police he called in untrained Bureau of Prisons officers who arrived like the Russian militia lacking personal or organization identifiers to remove peaceful demonstrators from the park and area around St. John's Episcopal Church, to prepare for a bogus upside down Bible photo shoot.

Then reports that he closed an FBI investigation spurred by credible CIA intelligence that Egypt sent $10m. in cash to the former guy for his 2016 campaign in the closing days. Then after a $10m. cash withdrawal of 200 lbs. of $100 bills. The now impeached and convicted then loaned his campaign that exact amount, and after taking office developed friendly relations with a nation the USA had previously labeled an adversary.

'Bit of a panic': Trump adviser’s attack on bombshell WaPo report fact-checked by expert

These GOP bullies are making history for credible criminal allegations… And so it goes.