Migrant Children

Submitted by ub on

In the 1960s Castro sent hundreds of unaccompanied children to the United States. We welcomed them and were told Castro would send their parents next. He never did, and we made sure all these children were placed with families.

They are now all citizens and, many successful professionals and business people, all are #USA taxpayers.

The same was done for Viet Nam refugees after Saigon fell. What is the Christian thing to do? What did Jesus say about the treatment of children?

By; David Walby

Meanwhile, US Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas who is himself a Cuban immigrant reportedly parries question after question from Republican and even some Democratic lawmakers as the crisis of unaccompanied migrant children coming to the US-Mexico border seeking asylum continues to overwhelm his department.

GOP focusing on migrant children crossing the border stating that they could be future terrorists. Now, two Republicans have been arrested for their involvement in the murder on of the Capitol Police officer during the January 6th insurrection instigated by Donald Trump.
