Our Fragile Democracy

Submitted by ub on

A not so funny thing happened to me this morning on the way towards the evening. I spoke with a real stable genius who I will identify as AO, not AI because there is nothing artificial about this individual’s intelligence.

Like many others, AO expressed serious concern about the direction of our fragile American democracy and reminded me that we have both seen this rodeo before when as younger folks we experienced political grand larceny evolve into a full-fledged felony of the worst kind.

Meanwhile, POTUS keeps stealing pages from the playbooks of dictators who ruled during the early 20th century. We shared observations from our younger days as I recalled Fidel and later Raul Castro launch propaganda operations appealing to a mythic past in which peace and prosperity were widespread and where societies were more unified than they are today. Their empty promises were to make an island nation great again, but reality it was only a way allow history to once repeat itself and unless these words to the wise jolt intelligent people to heed these warnings, the entire free world may be doomed by inaction.

Dictators will say anything necessary to gain popularity, only to deny ever making the statements and thereby creating chaos. They will also create a false sense of nostalgia for a past that is pure, traditional and patriarchal. From Mussolini to Hitler to Castro, dictators position themselves towards what later turns out to be a fake father figure or a strong man. The effectual truth of America First has always been Dictators First.

The message is always the same. As long as they stay in power, everything is going to be fine, but sadly it never is. Dictators then pick out scapegoats as reasons that this mythical past no longer exists and that maintaining power requires pitting national groups against one another. Divide and conquer.

Once they’re able to achieve this, it’s much easier to control the masses. The next step is to attack the truth whether it’s in the form of broadsides against the news media or against the scientific consensus, or any established norms which may get in their way to complete and absolute power.

This type of environment creates conspiracy theories, where no one can agree on what’s true anymore and the dictators love it whenever that happens.

Anyone who dictates over someone else. Inflicting their rule often causes civil unrest and uprisings. Violence usually follows.

Wake up America, before its too late to avoid the spread of foreign-linked forces spreading negative propaganda which will lead to the death of #USA democracy that has been the guiding light of the world.