RIP Carol Channing

Submitted by ub on

Goodbye Dolly. Actress Carol Channing has passed away at the age of 97. She died Tuesday morning. Channing's trademark platinum blond hair framed her always smiling face, her wide-eyed innocent style belied a very savvy mind, and her voice was unmistakable.

I enjoy many wonderful memories of my dear parents singing and dancing to her signature song. Thank you very much, Carol, you'll always be the one and only Dolly.

The Way They Do Things In A Working Democracy

Submitted by ub on

The New York Senate is not wasting any time.

Yesterday they took up and passed several new voting reforms for the state of New York.
Early voting has passed overwhelmingly.
Same-day voter registration has passed overwhelmingly.
No-excuse absentee voting has passed overwhelmingly.
Automatic voter registration transfers has passed overwhelmingly.
Voter pre-registration for 16 and 17-year-olds has passed overwhelmingly.
Elimination of the LLC loophole in campaign finance has passed overwhelmingly.
Combined primary election has passed overwhelmingly.

Lock Him Up

Submitted by ub on

Karma is the rebirth is a derivative concept, and the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence. What goes around comes around.

Every time We The People are lied to sooner or later and eventually it had to generate consequences. Americans demand the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you, GOD.

The Lying In Winter

Submitted by ub on

Congress returns to DC facing POTUS record-breaking federal government shutdown, after a winter storm slammed The US Capital. But who flows like the river and blows like the wind, without any substance whatsoever, only theatrics and positioning?

There have reportedly been 192 criminal counts filed, with 36 people and entities charged, seven have pleaded guilty, four individuals have been sentenced to prison and the one person convicted as a result of the Mueller probe. Who’s lying this winter?

Big Hugs

Submitted by ub on

As a romantic Latino, I like to hug and kiss, but over the years I have learned the hard way that a good hug has consequences, especially at a work environment and the situation could get dicey, I know from personal experience.

A hug is a form of endearment, universal in human communities, in which two or more people put their arms around the neck, back, or waist of one another and hold each other closely. If more than two persons are involved, it is referred to as a group hug.

The Slice of NYC Paradise

Submitted by ub on

I have participated in more than my fair share of global journeys while traveling throughout North, Central, South America, Europe, Asia.

But there's no place like home. I moved to City Island in the 1990s to build News 12, The Bronx and made it my new home.

Treason Is The Reason

Submitted by Admin on

Why does POTUS Hide his meetings with Putin?

He is probably trying to hide the fact that President Putin's agenda is obviously more important than US.

Nothing makes Putin happier than a disabled US Government and economy.


Public Enemies

Submitted by ub on

Where can real public enemies be found alive and kicking today, not only for the USA 🇺🇸 but every place and in every way?

Who has managed to create an emergency for nearly one million federal workers, and contract workers, some of which are required to work without a payday, and others are being required not to work, with public safety inspectors being furloughed?

Why are educators expected to teach science, math and all the subjects needed to compete in an ever competitive global economy quitting because of deteriorating working conditions and shrinking paychecks?

Be A Mentor

Submitted by ub on

A character in Homer’s epic poem "The Odyssey" is considered the original mentor. When Odysseus, King of Ithaca went to fight in the Trojan War, he entrusted the care of his kingdom to Mentor. Mentor served as the teacher and overseer of Odysseus' son, Telemachus.