Headlines 1/26/12
US ARMY GETTING SMALLER. Pentagon Belt Tightening.
FLORIDA PRIMARY. Candidates Slamming Each Other.
IRANIAN BANKING PANIC. Economic Slide Worsens.
GOVERNOR vs PRESIDENT. Tarmac Tension.
US ARMY GETTING SMALLER. Pentagon Belt Tightening.
FLORIDA PRIMARY. Candidates Slamming Each Other.
IRANIAN BANKING PANIC. Economic Slide Worsens.
GOVERNOR vs PRESIDENT. Tarmac Tension.
The United Nations human rights chief said today she was shocked at reports that 34 people were executed in Iraq in a single day last week and called on the country to institute an immediate moratorium on the use of the death penalty.
“Even if the most scrupulous fair trial standards were observed, this would be a terrifying number of executions to take place in a single day,” High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay stated in a news release.
Focal Point Gallery
321 City Island Ave.
Bronx NY 10464
(718) 885-1403
An Exhibition of Art
The Meaning Of Love
February 3rd - February 29th
Opening Reception
Friday, February 3rd, 7pm - 10pm
If you are an artist and would like to take part in the above exhibition
call: 718- 885-1403 to make an appointment to bring in your work.
All work has to be framed and ready to hang.
There is a $20 hanging fee for each framed piece and a 30% commission taken if sold.
Hosted by: Linda Streitfeld, Director of Programs, National Press Foundation
Special guest: Kevin M. Goldberg, special counsel at Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, PLC, legal counsel to the American Society of Newspaper Editors
What constitutes defamation? When is it OK to publish private facts about a public person? In this hour-long session, we answer these questions and help you understand your rights, know the boundaries and head off trouble.
NEXT: Copyright For The Web
When: February 2, 2012, 6pm to 8pm
Where: Upstairs at Playwright’s Tavern, 202 West 49th St, between Broadway/7th Ave.
When: January 27 – 29, 2012
Where: Columbia Journalism School, 2950 Broadway, New York, NY
Thursday, February 9 Orchard Beach Pavilion @7:30 p.m.
Join MoMA Curator Emerita Deborah Wye's fascinating presentation on the grand bathhouse pavilion at Orchard Beach. This landmark structure, highly recognized for its Modern Classical style and Art Deco details, is unfortunately in deteriorating condition.
STATE OF UNION. Economic Fairness Is Common Sense.
NAVY SEALS RESCUE. Hostages Out Of Danger.
GOP RESPONSE. President Dividing America.
NYC CRACKDOWN. Public Nuisance.
President Obama had an hour of free TV prime time to debut his first campaign commercial of 2012.
Obama said "What's at stake are not Democratic values or Republican values, but American values. We have to reclaim them." We say what is he waiting for?
An unusual Oscar season finds the following niminations, as “The Artist,” a mostly silent tribute to old Hollywood, and “Hugo,” another bit of film nostalgia, joins “The Descendants,” about life and love in Hawaii, and “Midnight in Paris,” about literary Paris, in scoring an array of major nominations, including those for best picture and best director.
Tune in to learn who are the winners: Sunday 2/26/12 @ 7P