

Submitted by ub on

Please know that I have no political affiliation and that Republican POTUS George once recruited me to head a division at USIA-TV.

Look back at the history of the Republican party, from its noble roots with Abraham Lincoln to wannabe strongman Donald.

The path of Democrats became more of a party of the people, while the GOP was led astray by a media conglomerate and its leader:

Faux News and Rupert, Roger. Tucker, Laura, and Sean are some of the world's guilty who had already broken the Republican party before Donald took hold, but he pushed them over the cliff.


Submitted by ub on

As the proud father of two highly accomplished ladies and four granddaughters, they all rule in honor of Women's History Month.


Submitted by ub on

Is the world preparing to celebrate the indictment of Donito Assolini, an alleged American criminal who only cares about himself?

With Russia's help, he stole the first election but failed the second time because most American voters rejected lies. Like him, his shrinking minority continues to be election deniers, climate deniers, and haters. And so it goes… etc.

A Dirty 30

Submitted by ub on

Remember when the former guy was the first to boast about paying the legal bills for those involved in violent acts on his behalf?

There are a thousand charged and another thousand on the way. We want receipts, if there are any. We suspect sure it was another one of a lair's vermin.

The Federalist Society is the group that told the former guy who to appoint and therefore chose our recent jurists for life to SCOTUS. Did they forget all of this? 

Meet The Flynn Stones

Submitted by ub on

The GOP puppet master is Putin, and one of his workers is Michael Flynn, who's on the payroll and supports Republican candidates.

Michael Thomas Flynn is reportedly a disgraced former US general who served as Trump’s U.S. National Security Advisor for the first 22 days of the Barney aka Don’s administration. Flynn resigned because he lied about Russian conversations and was previously seen at the Putin table. 

Dangerous Media

Submitted by ub on

I have been working in media since my teenage years. At college radio stations, talk radio, NewsRadio, and multilingual television.

Guilty Little Tucker

Submitted by ub on

The areas near our nation’s majestic, white building were filled with smoke, stun grenades exploding, and the roar of a shouting crowd.

The Capitol atmosphere was chaotic. Many people recorded the scene on cell phones, while others waved flags and carried pro-Trump banners. The crowd was overwhelmingly white and angry.

The lying mother tucker called the January Six Capitol attack mostly peaceful, orderly, and meek. But, what We, the People, witnessed that day was violence. It was illegal, not Orderly, and unassuming. You little liar…


Submitted by ub on

Who loves himself so much that he sold out his friends and family and will sell all of us if we'll roll over and play dead to allow it?

How often must we all engage in self-descriptions with wit and wisdom, professional bonafide, bravados... etc.? The format is everyone for themselves and get it while you can. Let us count the ways,

From Social media to examination anxiety, the disgrace of dating sites, and embroidery in CV. We all like to put our best foot forward but are often tempted to cross the line, which is where dedication and ethics come in.

Write Wrongs

Submitted by ub on

We only need a pen, paper, and a keyboard to write a compelling copy, and we should also put down that dangerous sword.

The pen is mightier than the sword is a metonymic adage created by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839, indicating that the written word is more effective than violence for social or political change.

Electile Dysfunction?

Submitted by ub on

Were they putting our young and fragile American democracy at risk to increase TV ratings and place the #safety of voters in danger?