
Essential Vax and Mask

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It’s another dangerous lie that kids don’t catch #COVID. Our school teachers are so worried why have you told them to scrap bubbles, mask-wearing, and social distancing when cases of the delta variant are at their peak. Why can’t our kids get vaccinated?

Those who are unwilling to sacrifice a small part of their quality of life and daily comforts for the good of our country seem to be making the loudest noise right now. But the statistics show that they have never been in the majority.

Blue-Sturgeon Moon

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Look up in the sky this Sunday to see if you catch an image of the full moon that will be both a "sturgeon moon" and "blue moon." 

The moon will officially become full at 8:02 a.m. ET Sunday, but it will still appear plenty large throughout Saturday as well as Sunday nights. Just look toward the southeast sky after sunset to catch a glimpse of the sturgeon moon rising,

Delta’s No Lady

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It was going to be a new beginning with relative normalcy. However, it turned into a politicized, anxiety-provoking experience.

Breakthrough infections. Increased transmission. New mask recommendations and mandates. The #Delta variant is fueling #COVID-19 cases across the world and raising questions about what this all means for the course of the pandemic. It was first detected in India in March, and it now accounts for more than 93 percent of sequenced coronavirus cases in the USA.

Slice of NYC Paradise

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The Big Apple and the surrounding boroughs offer one of the most fantastic health care systems available and access to amenities that can make it an ideal spot to live and also to retire. 

New York City is a wonderful place for young people to study, also to work and play as well as for elderly retirees. New York, New York - A city so nice, they had to name it twice. Excellent public transportation, great cultural landmarks, a plethora of attractions, and lots of services that attract people from all over er the world.

Stairway To Math Heaven

Submitted by ub on

Having kids ambling all over the place can get dangerous when you have many things happening and can’t keep an eye on them.

A young mind thrives on playtime and more often than not your child is most likely to find formal lessons boring and for some, even daunting. So when it comes to more difficult topics like mathematics, they can get reluctant or fussy when trying to teach your children.

Therefore, instead of turning your kids against math, try making it more fun. All you’ve got to do is hack is a staircase, some cellophane tape, markers, and colored paper!

A Life of Journalism

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My family emigrated to the USA when I was a little boy. The youngest son of professional parents who lost everything and fled for safety in America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. 

Remote Learning

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As an English-Language learner and multilingual student like yours truly, I am here to say it's OKAY and you have rights.

Deconstructing Semantics

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Whenever semantics comes up, an initial response could be what do you mean by that, or are you trying to be mean? News or Views?

Ancient Greek: σημαντικός sēmantikós, significant is the study of meaning, reference, or truth. The term can be used to refer to philosophy, linguistics, and computer science.

Semantics can mean quite different things in different contexts; fields concerned with semantics are as diverse as psychology, law, lexicography, and logic. Pragmatics is an equally wide-ranging term, with applications in politics.

We Need More Education

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Educating graduates and undergraduates is a central part of my development as an academic. I've been fortunate enough to have a wide variety of teaching experiences in New York, Georgia, Indiana, Florida, and California.

Multilingual Media Maestro

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Roberto FE Soto is a multilingual Latino media maestro, with a successful career in global communications and in higher education. 

As so many others have, Soto arrived in the #USA as an immigrant child with his family. He did not speak English but learned from his mother and father the value of American education. Soto was a writer, editor, and producer at NBC News and went on to teach journalism at private and public colleges and universities, including an HBCU with a strong tradition of serving minority students.