
Independence Weekend

While Americans celebrate the 246th anniversary of Independence Day. Take a moment to reflect and to learn about these crimes.

The 4th of July is supposed to be about “independence”. How bad is the USA 🇺🇸 getting screwed over this holiday weekend?

The Adams Anomaly

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A New York City Mayor who is different from the norm or usual, expected by his constituents, and not following his predecessors.

According to the question by New York magazine, what do new NYC mayors reportedly accomplish with their incoming political capital?

In his first year in office, Bill de Blasio created a universal prekindergarten program, curtailed stop-and-frisk policing, pushed the Rent Guidelines Board to approve its lowest-ever hikes, began a $41 billion affordable-housing program, and signed an executive order raising wages for retail and fast-food workers.

Unprecedented Scoundrel

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Did Trump have an un-democratic US dream to enter the Capitol with an armed mob and interrupt the peaceful transfer of power?

American voters see Trump as engaged in nothing less than an attempt to overthrow the government by force. This amounts to criminal sedition. Add to these allegations interruptions of a congressional proceeding, defrauding an American election, destroying U.S. property, seditious conspiracy is now in play, and assaulting a Secret Service agent.

GOP Tyranny

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The Republican Party's pattern of harsh, cruel, and unfair control over We The People has been evolving in the USA over many years.

Elections Have Consequences

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Regardless of which side of the abortion issue any American stands on, SCOTUS conservative jurists have managed to rewrite history.

The ruling reportedly signals a new battle at the polls for future elections. Republicans have won only eight of the last 14 presidential elections and two of those presidents did not win the popular vote, so the president has seemed like more or less a toss-up since the debacle of the Lyndon Johnson presidency.

A Bipartisan Gun Bill

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US Senate breaks decades-long impasse on gun safety. The 65-33 vote is aimed at keeping firearms away from dangerous people.


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Historians Rank Every President in history. The votes are in and the POTUS with the lowest score isn't who you might expect.

But then again as they say-  'The jury is still out' - Judgment has not yet been finalized; especially due to information being completed as we speak. The term has been a staple headline in American newspapers for at least 150 years; for example, this from The New York Daily-Times, May 1850: Jury is still out, with no prospect of immediate agreement.

Four Strikes, He's Out

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Following the fourth hearing, there was the same number of takeaways. Four strikes and Donald Trump should be out and locked up.

Trump and his team:

Public statements: Americans are giving us so much evidence of election misconduct...  

Private conversations: We’ve got lots of theories. We just don’t have the evidence required.

Joe Biden is old and in shape. But Donald Trump is old, fat, and a traitor.

Happy Father’s Day

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Happy Father’s Day to all POTUS who diligently worked to keep themselves physically fit while serving in The White House.

Watergate + 50

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On June 17 1972 a break-in at Democratic headquarters led by Republican crook Richard Nixon ended with his resignation on 8/5/74.

It was nearly 50 years ago this day, that Tricky Dick showed the GOP to prey on Democracy and the rule of law our founding fathers had meticulously crafted to avoid the circumstances we face today from the Republican Party and the dirty trick they continue to play.