Giving Tuesday

Submitted by ub on

Many pounds ago, when our family came to live in America I was completely terrified and uncertain about what to expect in a new nation, and having to learn another language. However, we were all warmly embraced with \overwhelming support by total strangers who cared for our well-being. What's happened since then?

I will forever be grateful to the American people, as well as to my teachers for helping me organize my life and offering me the space to share my dreams and goals

Border Chaos, Tear Gas and Nachos

Submitted by ub on

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”― Emma Lazarus

These folks traveled a long distance searching for a safe place to live and raise their families to live The American Dream. So then
Why has the greatest nation on earth decided to gas men, women and children seeking asylum, is it to Make America Hate Again?

Cyber Madness

Submitted by ub on

It's called Cyber Monday, but it really is cyber madness. Cyber Monday is a marketing term for this day in #USA, the Monday after Thanksgiving. The term "Cyber Monday" was created by marketing companies to drive folks crazy to shop online.

10 Best Target Cyber Monday Phone & Tablet Deals: Apple, Samsung & Google via @forbes…

Christmas Countdown

Submitted by ub on

Christmas Day will arrive exactly one month from today. Do you know who is The Great Communicator and what he will soon want to say? HO, Ho, ho!

The F Word

Submitted by ub on

No, don’t be silly not the four letter word. Get your mind out of the gutter, grownups used to say and never during the holidays, no way!

We are referring to FRIENDSHIPS. The one thing most humans crave and can’t live without. Friends make us feel fuzzy inside.

As we grow up, we learn how to make friends, how to share with them and how To ignore or deal with bullies when we’re young,

Border Lies and Misinformation

Submitted by ub on

The amount of false information that is spread intentionally or unintentionally continues to increase. While this is not a new practice, the dissemination of false information has now become identified with the term fake news, which may now be reportedly coming directly from The White House.

Although Trump has been seeking to block thousands of Central Americans traveling in caravans from entering the United States and has ordered that immigrants who enter the country illegally from Mexico are ineligible for asylum, that order has been temporarily suspended by a federal judge.

Explore Your Local Store

Submitted by ub on

The weekend is here so support every one of your small businesses. Small Business Saturday is the most important American shopping holiday anywhere in #USA held on the Saturday after US Thanksgiving during the busiest shopping period.

This one is most important because Small Business Saturday was added to the Thanksgiving week calendar nine years ago to bring millions of customers into the small and local businesses that are the backbone of communities.

Climate Change Kills US

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Wake up, America... Aren't you sick and tired of all the lies? Have you had it with the #Trump shouting factory? Are you looking for a more civil place to learn about the big important issue of climate change? There is no soft way to peddle this, so let us just give it to you straight and gracefully. We're all going to die if we keep listening to that guy.

Black Friday

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It was created by merchants as an informal name for the celebration of the fourth Friday of November, or the day following Thanksgiving.

While it is an unofficial start of the holiday shopping blitz, online shopping is expected to approach $125 billion this season. Consumers can expect a massive wave of sales. Despite some special deals, buyers should be cautious because not all sales are as good as they may appear. Here is some useful information for you to consider.

Happy Thanksgiving Day

Submitted by ub on

Thanksgiving is a day of survival, rebirth and the best American holiday. The first Thanksgiving was about a refugee Caravan from a foreign nation seeking another Country to live their new lives in freedom with liberty and justice for all. #FreedomOfThePress #Journalism #Thanksgiving⁠Day #USA ⁠