Christmas Day will arrive exactly one month from today. Do you know who is The Great Communicator and what he will soon want to say? HO, Ho, ho!
Did you know that a diploma from Santa College has reportedly been a hot item for as long as the instructors recall? Every year around this season their students are preparing for their final exam. First, they need a jolly attitude, a white beard, and those with fake whiskers need not apply. They are training Santas to be enthusiastic about jingle bells and to know how to identify great gifts for girls and boys. Finally, the average student is in his sixties or seventies.
The myth of Old Saint Nick dates back more than 1.5K years and incorporates a mix of Christian saints, literature, and paganism. But our modern conception of a jolly man on a reindeer sleigh solidified only in the past couple of hundred years, with stories like the 1823 poem “A Visit From St. Nicholas,” better known as “The Night Before Christmas.” These days, Santa-based rituals have permeated American secular culture broadly.