11/14/12 News & Information Service 24/7

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US TOPPERS FIGHTING. For Professional Careers.
David Petraeus is unlikely to face court-martial, but remains under military jurisdiction, adultery alone is not often prosecuted without other violations. Gen. John Allen is in a fight for his career. He was expecting to become the allied commander in Europe, instead he's investigated in an ever widening sex scandal. The FBI is trying to determine how Paula Broadwell, who had an affair with Petraeus was able to obtain classified files.

US FISCAL CLIFF. Will congress take the walk or stop the madness.


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The takeaway is about offering to help others during their time of need. As Hurricane Sandy came storming in to cause death, destruction and affecting millions. Many have been displaced, their houses are gone, family memories washed away and power has still not been restored. In addition, some schools are not open, with students left out out in the cold.

Hurricane Sandy can teach US a lesson in what is important. State assessments, mandatory curriculum, and for a few days even the election took a back seat to the devastation that played out all across the eastern seaboard.

Improving Our Memory

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In many ways, our memories shape who we are. They make up our internal biographies — the stories we tell ourselves about what we've done with our lives. They tell us who we're connected to, who we've touched during our lives, and who has touched us. In short, our memories are crucial to the essence of who we are as human beings.


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Your life may improve if you take time to stand, or sit still regularly. Some call it meditation, others call it quiet time, but it does not really matter what you label it. Their long term benefits are all the same. Some say it's like developing spiritual muscles that will allow you to be happier, less stressed and much more focused.

Stress comes is many shapes and forms. Unpaid bills, an argument with your family member, a serious health problem, or a traffic accident. Suck it up, because this is all part of everyday life.

11/13/12 News & Information Service 24/7

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GENERALS NEW TRAILS. Timeline of Threatening Emails.
Another general is implicated as former CIA director is reportedly shocked after learning that his mistress was warning another woman to stay away from him.

BEWARE OF FISCAL CLIFF. Returning Congress Confronts Precipice.
As they get back to work today, our nation's lawmakers may avert these expiring tax breaks and automatic spending cuts.

AFGHAN MASSACRE CASE. Testing US Military Justice.

Universities Seek International Students

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US colleges and universities are trying to attract foreign students. For example, five years ago, Indiana University had 87 undergraduates from China on its campus in Bloomington. This year there are 2,224.

Foreign enrollment at U.S. universities and colleges grew by 6 percent last year, with a 23-percent increase from China. But perhaps most interestingly is where this growth is concentrated: big, public land-grant colleges, notably in the Midwest.


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Port Authority - PATH service will resume LIMITED rail stops between Newark, New Jersey and W 33rd St in Manhattan. PATH trains will operate from this morning to 10 PM daily, beginning today.


Stops in NYC will include: W 14th St, W 23rd St, and W 33rd St.

For additional regional transportation options and updates, please visit:


11/12/12 News & Information Service 24/7

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CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS DEMAND ANSWERS. General David Petraeus Investigation.
Concerned about not having received advanced notice, lawmakers ask questions of the FBI investigation that led the CIA chief to quit over an extramarital affair.

President Obama tells veterans that the nation must commit every day to serve all veterans as well as they've served US.

FRUSTRATIONS INCREASE. Many Problems Continue.

123 Quick Fix 4 Stress

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A quick fix in stressful moments

Mini-relaxations are stress busters you can reach for any time. These techniques can ease your fear at the dentist’s office, thwart stress before an important meeting, calm you when stuck in traffic, or help you keep your cool when faced with people or situations that irritate you. Whether you have one minute or three, these exercises work.

When you’ve got one minute