This Week in History
This Week in History, Oct 14 - Oct 20
Oct 14, 1947
This Week in History, Oct 14 - Oct 20
Oct 14, 1947
The human ear is the envy of even the most sophisticated acoustic engineer. Without a moment’s thought or the slightest pause, you can hear the difference between a violin and a clarinet, you can tell if a sound is coming from your left or right, and if it’s distant or near. And you can discriminate between words as similar as hear and dear, sound and pound.
U.S. Fleet Forces Command hosted a ceremony commemorating the 237th birthday of the U.S. Navy aboard the Battleship Wisconsin.
Some call it Fall and others refer to it as Autumn, but any name you may wish to label this time of the year, it is delightful in so many ways.
This celestial season marks mother nature's transition from summer into winter, in September (Northern Hemisphere) or March (Southern Hemisphere) when the arrival of night becomes noticeably earlier.
Since summer is gone once again, it is the season when skies turn grey, some allow beautiful friendships to bloom and others turn inward, both physically and mentally.
US ARMY CAMP. Threat Training.
Army retools and redesigns training in an effort to improve the U.S. fighting force as the war in Afghanistan draws to a close.
GOP PRESSURE. Republican Leaders Question Libya attack.
Republicans are pointing to reported intelligence failures as a sign of President Obama’s national security weakness.
VENEZUELA'S CHAVEZ. Petrodollars Fuel Voter Worship.
Oil is abundant in Venezuela, and president Hugo Chavez has showered the wealth it creates on the poor.
Insults flew... Interruptions increased... Foreign policy dominated... and the voters had an opportunity to see that body language truly matters. Meanwhile, Romney gains in battleground polls and a bounce in support for Republican challenger energizes voting base and tightens race.
EURO-ZONE WINS NOBEL. Despite Economic Crisis.
Troika is a barrier to IMF new fiscal faith and as far as involvement in Euro-zone rescue programs is concerned, the fund will find it easier to change its mind than to alter its fiscal policies.
BIDEN: Biden went on the offensive in hopes of regaining ground lost by President Barack Obama's lackluster debate performance. An experienced debater, Biden is comfortable with the attack dog role. But the vice president appeared to get angry and may have lost his cool
RYAN: This was the Wisconsin congressman's first time on the national debate stage. As House Budget Committee chairman, he's a whiz on federal spending and tax policy. Not so much on knowledge of foreign policy and national security.
The first presidential debate of 2012 was in my opinion a draw. Candidates Mitt Romney and Barack Obama went round for round with each other throwing jabs and hooks without any real knockout punches being landed. Although I thought both candidates were evenly matched; the moderator Jim Lehrer seemed to be out of his league when refereeing these two heavyweights.
The VP debate is set for today as Biden vs Ryan is played out on television.
The last time VP candidates debated, it was Senator Joe Biden and Gov. Sarah Palin. The ratings reached an average of 69.9 million viewers, making it the most-watched V.P. debate in television history.
The previous ratings record was set in 1984 when 56.7 million watched the debate between George H.W. Bush and Geraldine Ferraro.