Heavy-hitter vs Lightweight

Submitted by ub on

As a young boy and later as an aspiring journalist, I visited baseball stadiums, boxing gyms, athletic clubs, soccer fields, and many other sporting venues where I met and spoke with baseball legends Stan The Man Musial, and Minnie Miñoso, Boxing great Cassius Clay, The Real GOAT, daredevil Evel Knievel, and another great athlete, Soccer Superstar PELE. 

We Love 💗 Our Visitors

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As our news and information blog continues to grow, we want you all to know that we listen to idea flows and follow your leads.

Vote Them Out

Submitted by ub on

Why has Texas Greg Governor Abbott issued an executive order ending the statewide mask mandate and then announced that all businesses will reopen at 100 percent capacity beginning on March 10? This bold move also appears to be spreading as Mississippi, which now says it is also considering the same action. The Governors of Texas and Mississippi say they will lift their mask mandate and give all their businesses the green light to reopen.

Florida Deforestation

Submitted by ub on

Deforestation is the permanent removal of trees to make room for something besides the forest. This is more about political deforestation by tainting the beautiful flowers and clean politics from the state of Florida’s government in the sunshine.

Multilingual Media Maestro

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Roberto FE Soto is a multilingual Latino media maestro, with a successful career in global communications and in higher education. 

As so many others have, Soto arrived in the #USA as an immigrant child with his family. He did not speak English but learned from his mother and father the value of American education. Soto was a writer, editor, and producer at NBC News and went on to teach journalism at private and public colleges and universities, including an HBCU with a strong tradition of serving minority students. 

The Trump Virus

Submitted by ub on

After listening to free-flowing #CPAC Oral diarrhea more Americans are asking to be inoculated for the Trump virus. #TrumpVirus

Happy Someday

Submitted by ub on

Someday humanity will learn that our lives are precious and we must look out for one another and learn how to preserve the earth.

Forget about all the lars spreading conspiracy theories and focus on a shared goal of a harmonious existence with the earth that we must share, all of us must take environmental safety and quality as a top priority in all aspects of our business while pursuing a sustainable planet before humans ruin it for future generations for the sake of increasing individual wealth as a result of a senseless power grab.

The CPAC Rat-pack

Submitted by ub on

These are the Republican dirty dozen plus one member of Congress who are AWOL attending a GOP party instead of working.

The Republican lawmakers are facing a backlash after misleading the US House of Representatives about skipping votes to attend #CPAC. They are not representing their constituents in Congress by working hard on a much-needed stimulus package for the #USA.

I Won't Throw Away My Shot

Submitted by ub on

I received a call today, but as you can see, I wasn't able to drive to get my #COVID shot because I'm snowed in at Nautical Winds.