Bartow-Pell Mansion Museum

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Thursday, September 26, 7:30 p.m.
Exhibition Talk on A Gardener’s Library
Guest curator Joseph Disponzio—noted author, scholar of garden history, and a preservation landscape architect with the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation—discusses the garden book collection assembled by the International Garden Club in the first quarter of the 20th century and the fascinating insights that he gained while curating the show. Free

Saturday, September 28, 12–4 p.m.
Smithsonian Magazine Museum Day

NY Commuter Crunch

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NYC commuters using Metro-North’s New Haven Line are in for a difficult few days, due to Con Edison circuit failure.

Metro North was doing work on the Mount Vernon substation when a feeder cable failed and a second feeder was out of service.

As a result, Limited bus and train service will be in effect on the New Haven Line until Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013.


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USA won a historic America's Cup victory. Oracle Team USA, on an amazing seven-race winning streak winning the final showdown race in San Francisco Bay today.

An America's Cup that had the look of an embarrassing loss for software tycoon Larry Ellison's American syndicate came down to a winner-take-all race.


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Users of Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, Foursquare, Skype, Instagram, YouTube, Vine or Pinterest may find it difficult to believe that there are actually 15% of people in US who do not use the Internet.

A small percentage of American adults do not use the internet at all, and another 9% of adults use the internet but not at home. The main reasons they cite for not using the internet are relevance, usability, cost and access.

The tittle of the report is "Who's Not ONLINE?

Asked why they do not use the internet:

Kingsbridge Armory Update

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The seeds of gentrification are now being sown in the shadow of the longtime empty and cavernous Kingsbridge Armory.

Small businesses near the massive future home of the Kingsbridge National Ice Center are suddenly finding shorter renewal leases and jacked up rent renewals by money hungry landlords.

The center is slated to become the world’s largest ice skating rink, is being compared as a local game changing gold mine.


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NYC has announced that City Island's Schoefield Street will also be officially named at ED SADLER WAY.

The ceremony is scheduled to take place on Saturday October 5, 2013 @ 12 Noon sharp.

Captain Ed Sadler was born in 1916 and died in November 2011 inside his family home on Schoefield street when he was 95 years old. Here is s photo of Captain Sadler with City Island Images Executive Editor, Roberto Soto during one of his many house visits he made to chat with the late and great Captain Ed Sadler.

AWARD - City Island Society of Clam-diggers and Mussel-suckers

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City Island Images is proud to announce the annual competition for this year's City Island Society of Clam-diggers and Mussel-suckers. This annual award is given each and every year to any and all exemplary City Island community citizens, who receive the most votes and highest community support.

The City Island Society of Clam-diggers and Mussel-suckers was formed to recognize those exceptional individuals who, over time, have made extraordinary contributions to the character and quality of their City Island community and culture.

Below are the criteria:

GO, Go, go... Oracle Team USA

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It's near the wire at America's Cup and Ben Ainslie's Oracle Team USA is pulling level in this year's sailing extravaganza, setting up a showdown as interest in the competition has reached fever pitch.

Team USA is looking good for today's winner-takes-all showdown, if they forget their "scar tissue", says former America's Cup-winning skipper John Bertrand.

Oracle has won two more races to extend their streak to seven, frustrating a sailing-mad nation of 4.5 million who thought sport's oldest trophy secured after New Zealand had earlier stormed to an 8-1 lead.


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Hundreds are reportedly feared dead after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on their inhabitants throughout the remote and thinly populated area of Pakistan.

The army has airlifted hundreds of soldiers to help with the aftermath of the worst earthquake in the South Asian country since 2005 when about 75,000 people were killed in the northern section of that nation.

The earthquake registered 7.7 on the Richter scale, in the province of Baluchistan, an earthquake-prone province of deserts and rugged mountains, and was felt throughout South Asia.

Celebrate @ NYBG‏

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The chrysanthemum, kiku in Japanese, is the most celebrated of all Japanese fall-flowering plants, and hundreds of meticulously trained kiku will be on display from October 5 through 27 in the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory.

Special weekend events spotlight the arts of bonsai and ikebana, as well as taiko drumming, and celebrate the importance of flowers in Japanese culture.

See the full program lineup. Complement your visit with a special taste of Japan in Stephen STARR Event's limited-run Japanese Pop-Up Restaurant.