The Hate Boat

Americans are learning that a rotten apple can ruin the bunch. A bad individual among many good ones, and especially one will spoils the group.

This expression is a shortening of the proverb a rotten apple spoils the barrel, coming from a 14th-century Latin proverb translated as "The rotten apple injures its neighbors." The allusion in this idiom is to the spread of mold or other diseases from one apple to the rest. In English, the first recorded use was in Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack back in 1736.

And it still applies today in politics as in one person whose own words and actions negatively impact an entire group of people, a nation and everywhere, including the high seas. This was no love boat, but a hated cruise from hell.

Violent brawls transform Carnival trip into 'cruise from hell,' passengers say

23 passengers booted from Carnival cruise following 'bloodbath' of a brawl

Cruise ship reign of terror EXPOSED as passengers claim bloodbath lasted for THREE DAYS

Violent brawl erupts on Carnival cruise ship bound for Melbourne…

A Carnival cruise in the South Pacific descended into violent anarchy

Carnival cruise ship brawl erupts near Australia, 23 people removed


Never Again

Submitted by ub on

As a nonprofit and academic administrator, I wonder if a nationwide academic movement finally shakes Congress out of its stupor? The USA appears incapable of solving a scourge that exists nowhere else on earth.

While The NRA stuffs millions into the pockets of our elected officials, why does America stan idle while many are slaughtered by criminals using assault weapons? How many more lives will be lost, leaving loved ones devastated and too many broken dreams before our so-called leadership put a stop to the madness?

Elected vs Selected

An unqualified individual can be elected without the popular vote. We have seen this time and again in our democracy. When someone is selected, it usually signifies they're the very best person available for the job.

Donald John Trump was born June 14, 1946, and 70 years later won the election while losing the popular vote. However, he currently is the 45th and current President of the United States. #POTUS has been in office since January 20, 2017. Before entering politics, he was a businessman and became famous by an NBC TV Show.


Trump's Reason?

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Do you remember when @realDonaldTrump won PolitiFact's 2017 Lie of the Year for claiming Russian election interference was a 'made-up story' and as @POTUS he continues to play the king of denial? The Russia investigation and Donald Trump: a timeline…

13 Russian nationals indicted for meddling in U.S. election…

Déjà vu Again and Again

Submitted by ub on

American children, as well as their parents, are furious with Congress and warning them that is you don't get their act together on gun violence, they will be replaced at the ballot box. The solution is not to run away from the problem and they're demand action now. A 6-minute fatal rampage for shocked Florida school…

Survivors of the Florida high school shooting are speaking out about the attack that nearly took their lives

Year of The Dog

Submitted by ub on

2018 is the Chinese Year of the Brown Earth Dog. This Lunar New Year starts from February 16th, 2018 and ends on February 4th, 2019. Find out how we will fare in this Dog year when it comes to love, luck, relationships, finance, money, jobs, and health.

And since the new year is here with it comes delicacies like dumplings, dim sum, fried rice, and plenty of other delicious meals. We celebrated New Year Eve tasting foods that bring luck, prosperity and good fortune.

Return To Sender

Submitted by ub on

@POTUS delivers prepared remarks on the tragedy in Parkland, Florida. The High School Shooting caused the deaths of too many, another 17. Was it a monologue on what happened when we already know what's going on. How many times did he mention guns in his response? 17: The number of kids murdered in a school shooting yesterday

What do you think is the problem? Will you opine? And what if anything is #Trump going to really do about it?
They work all of US. Reach out to The White House and Congress with demands.

Fake News US Election

Submitted by ub on

A new study suggests @realDonaldTrump may owe his 2016 @POTUS so-called victory in the Electoral College to 'fake news', according to concerns raised by Erik C. Nisbet, Associate Professor of Communication, Political Science, and Environmental Policy and Faculty Associate with the Mershon Center for International Security Studies, The Ohio State University, Paul Beck, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, The Ohio State University, and Richard Gunther, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, The Ohio State University.

American Tragedy

Submitted by ub on

A Valentines Day Massacre with yet another school shooting that caused 17 fatalities and mass murders for the 18 time this year. When will carnage the president referred to in his inaugural ever stop? Two tweets but no other comments from @POTUS?

14 were reported wounded at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida and the exact number of deaths are 17.

With more than a dozen injured inside a Florida school shooting, the suspect is in custody is a former student and identified as Nicolas Cruz, according to the sheriff's office.

Security Clearance

Submitted by ub on

Why does our national security appear to be in danger? How come are our nation's secrets are being shared with people who have not been vetted and issued a permanent security clearance? It is a national disgrace.

A security clearance is a status granted to individuals allowing them access to classified information, whether it be state or organizational secrets or to restricted areas, after completion of a thorough FBI background check.