RIP Otis Redding

It was 50 years ago today, Otis Ray Redding Jr. died suddenly in a plane crash. He was an American singer, songwriter, record producer, arranger, and talent scout. Redding was one of the greatest soul singers in the history of American popular music and an amazing master of rhythm and blues.

Otis admired Sam Cooke and Little Richard

Otis Redding - (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay (Official Video)


Seize The Moment

To create our own opportunity, we must know that good thing come to those who #seizethemoment. These are folks who're in the right place at the right time. They’re the ones who appear to land the dream job, live the dream life, fulfilling their karma, or their life’s purpose, with a profound sense of groundedness, self-realization, and joy.



Democracy = Equality

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Did you know that US Blue States support the Red States? According to The Associated Press, the world's oldest journalism cooperative, the Blue high-tax states have been funding the Red low-tax states for a long time in America.

The GOP's myth that red low-tax states are subsidizing blue high-tax states because of the deduction for state and local taxes is totally wrong.

An Associated Press Fact Check finds it’s actually the other way around. High-tax, traditionally Democratic states (blue), subsidize low-tax, traditionally Republican states (red) — in a big way.

RIP John Lennon

On this very day 37 years ago, former Beatle, songwriter, and musician John Lennon, who was ambushed and assassinated outside his home at The Dakota Apartment in New York City, while he and Yoko were outside.

John Winston Ono Lennon, MBE was a British singer, songwriter, and well-known musician, who became an activist after he co-founded The Beatles, the most commercially successful and musically influential band in the history of popular music.

I was working for NBC News and covered the sad story John Lennon Dies: Dec. 9, 1980, Archives | TODAY


Southern California Fires

Submitted by ub on

While visiting family in Los Angeles, I noticed my daughters' neighborhoods were exceedingly dry and wondered when the rains would come. Now, that precipitation is needed more than ever.

Hundreds of thousands of Californian residents have already fled their homes since the increasing number of wildfires keep breaking out across the region. Multiple blazes popped up around Los Angeles, encroaching on the city. The smoke from these fires is making it increasingly difficult for folks to breathe.

White Christmas

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Its beginning to feel a lot like Christmas as Winter's first flakes arrive and some areas could get as much as 5 inches of snow.

The first snowflakes of the Christmas season may fall this weekend in the tri-state region. There is a wintry low-pressure storm system moving up the southeastern coast expected to dump as much as 5 inches of snow.

The Winter Weather Advisory for the white stuff means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow-covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving.

Sexual Perversion

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The most basic of acts is anything but basic as the intimacy and pleasure that sex affords leave plenty of room for error. From the behavior itself to our sexual identifications and associations, sex never fails to be a provocative topic.

Though the jury may remain hung over sex's moral and political implications, we can all come to agree its why we're here today and it's the first thing future generations depend ultimately on.

High-priced Homelessness

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For the past couple of decades, I have lived and worked in New York City, but in the last few weeks, I traveled to Miami and Los Angeles and noticed an increase of street people, especially during the cold weather season.

US Moral Authority

The UN and even The Pope has spoken out against Trump's latest controversial decision, and so did friends and foes as his Jerusalem announcement destroys USA's moral authority.

What's was also wrong with President Trump's speech on Jerusalem as Israel's capital? WATCH & LISTEN #DONews #Israel #USA #CityImages

A full transcript of President Trump's speech recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel


The Silence Breakers

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Time magazine has finally announced the person of the year. The publication is honoring The Silence Breakers.
The American weekly news magazine was founded in 1923 and is published in NYC, with European edition published in London and also has covers the Middle East, Africa and in Latin America.

TIME Person of the Year 2017: The Silence Breakers

They are the women who started a national reckoning about sexual harassment in the workplace and elsewhere.