Independence Day Fireworks

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Are you ready for the annual pre-show? On July 4th America celebrates our birthday, but there's a dress rehearsal and it occurs on Orchard Beach, which can be also be viewed from City Island, NYC.

#Fireworks display on a barge on Pelham Bay off Orchard Beach tomorrow, 6/29, at 9:20 PM. In the case of rain, fireworks will take place today at Orchard Beach, which is part of Pelham Bay Park.

World Population Prospects

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India's population will surpass China's in less than a decade and Nigeria will beat the United States and become the third most populous country in the world by 2050.

The 2017 Revision of World Population Prospects is the twenty-fifth round of official United Nations population estimates and projections that have been prepared by the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat.

GOP Daring Doozies

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The Senate Majority Leader Republican Mitch McConnell was once again forced to delay his repeal and replace bill after he finally realized that after all the years of promises he still does not have enough GOP Senators supporting his bill, which was drawn up in secret. There just was not enough votes to advance the legislation past key procedural hurdles.


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Are you, or have you ever been in a bona fide relationship? Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free in a bona fide relationship?

The US Supreme Court has agreed to hear travel ban cases and stays injunctions as to “foreign nationals who lack any bona fide relationship” to the US.

Do countries not on the travel ban list already have a "bona fide relationship" with the U.S. by doing business with the Trump Organization?

Has @SCOTUS created an unconscionable, administrative nightmare? What exactly constitutes a bona fide relationship?

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President-

Democracy is not a joke. It’s something we must work hard at and are tremendously proud of. We all want it to last, which is why you must treat it accordingly.

It is not just enough to say America first, but you must match your words with actions and represent all Americans. If you put any of us last; it’s a tragic, sad affair.

Our lives are consumed by the logistics of running our households, managing careers and caring for our families. This great nation provides the foundation for everything that we and our forefathers have built together.


Changing of The Guard

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This third Sunday after Pentecost was the last religious service for Reverend Ezra Yew, Ph.D. and pastor for 6 years at Trinity Methodist on City Island. The congregation and many of his friends turned out in force to show his appreciation and also to thank his wonderful wife Lucia, who always greeted everyone with a radiant smile.

The warm weather matched the warmth in the hearts of every one of the multicultural individuals who filled the church, which represented all races and colors.

What Have You Done For US?

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Dear Government-
What have you done for the US lately?
You have a GOP majority in Congress and WH.
There's no romance without healthcare and finance.
Remember that you're as good as your last day in office.
Yours truly,
-An American
Congress and The While House with your demands.


Filling your pockets with payoffs does not drain the swamp in the US.

Have you ever asked what you can do for your country?

Puttering with Golf balls does nothing for the US.

Playing a blame gets nothing done for the US.

RIP Gabe Pressman

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An old friend has died after a long and distinguished journalism career. Gabe Pressman was 93 years old. The Bronx native Gabriel Stanley "Gabe" Pressman was the dean of New York news and the senior correspondent for WNBC-TV. Gabe was born on February 14, 1924, and died June 23, 2017.

I had the pleasure and honor of working with Gabe at News 4 NY and also of introducing him to intelligent and extremely capable younger journalists, which he truly enjoyed.

Gabe Pressman, the longtime TV reporter, dies at 93

Global News Report

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A report reveals new insights about digital news consumption based on a YouGov survey of over 70,000 online news consumers in 36 countries including the US and UK.

This report focuses on the issues of trust in the era of fake news, changing business models and the role of platforms.

Do you trust the news, or do you trust your news? In the U.S., there’s a huge gap between the two. #News #Journalism

Breastfeeding Benefits

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A new study published in The Journal of the American Heart Association on June 21, 2017, says that mothers who participate in breastfeeding also offer substantial benefits to child health and it has also been associated with lower risk of maternal cardiovascular diseases in later life.

However, the evidence on the effects of CVD is still inconsistent, especially in East Asians, in whom the frequency and duration of breastfeeding significantly differ from those in the West.

Study says breastfeeding could lower mom's risk of heart disease, stroke