Submitted by ub on

An individual dealing with the problems that exist in a specific situation in a reasonable and logical way instead of depending on ideas and theories is considered to be pragmatic.

President Obama took questions from The White House Press Corps today.

Obama: Trump Not Ideological, But Pragmatic | Video | RealClearPolitics…

Obama calls Trump 'pragmatic,' warns it’ll be hard to undo legacy

Deliver US From Evil

Submitted by ub on

Do you remember when neighbors helped each other out with gifts and holiday greetings?
During the US Depression, many Americans were forced to go on home relief, aka welfare.

It's been said that back in 1935, just before the holidays, families were dejected and depressed, but friends and families were there ready to support.

When food was running low and the rent was overdue, folks were afraid because many people were being put out on the street with all their belongings.


Submitted by ub on

For those who missed it, earthlings saw the brightest moon the world has seen in seven decades, which light up the sky. "Supermoon" reached its most luminescent phase in North America before dawn.

#Supermoon shines 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than normal moons. But if you wish to know more, or just missed it...

Extra Rare Supermoon Makes For Stunning Photos

Supermoon shines bright, closer than it's been in 70 years

Divided States of America?

Submitted by ub on

Following an American election where one candidate won the popular, but the winner won the Electoral Colege votes necessary for appointment. No matter what anyone says...
May God Bless The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This land is your land...

PLEASE... Do not allow a collective shock, or fear turns into shame or tears.
Remember the voter turnout will be progressively historic over the years.

As Americans we must resolve to remain united by our language, culture, national origin, status, as well as by race, religion, gender, preference, political affiliation and so much more...etc.

The United States of America

Submitted by ub on

God Bless America. This land is your land!

PLEASE... Do not allow a collective shock, or fear turns into shame or tears.
Remember the voter turnout will be progressively historic over the years.

As Americans we must resolve to remain united by our language, culture, national origin, status, as well as by race, religion, gender, preference, political affiliation and so much more...etc.


Following a long political primary and a toxic Camp Pain that has left our nation divided, Republican Donald Trump won the Electoral College after hurling vicious attacks against his opponents and too many others to mention.…

His main opponent Hillary Clinton won the popular vote but she lost the election because of the Electoral College. Our Founding Fathers may not have realized how undemocratic our Electoral College has evolved.


11/11 Veterans Day

Submitted by ub on

US Veterans Day is a public holiday, observed annually on November 11, that honors our military heroes. I spoke with one of my favorite veterans today who has proudly served in the United States Armed Forces. I thanked him for his service and also wish I could personally thank them all, including my late brother.


Submitted by ub on

Have you earned a college degree? What do you know about The Electoral College? This college has no campus, no tuition, and definitely has no dorms.

The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens.