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NASA is closely watching the asteroid it fears could one day hit and pulverise Earth or pass close between us and the moon. In the year 2135. Beware of Billion-year-old Big Bennu’s orbit could be on course for the Earth, according to researchers.

How the University of Arizona chose asteroid Bennu for a visit… via @tucsonstar

Goodbye and good riddance, July 2016

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It’s summertime in many parts of the world, and July happens to be one of the most event-filled months.
it is said that July is unlucky for weddings, but this one was unlucky for more than couples. And this long hot summer is not over yet, folks!

While many businesses begin attracting end of the year sales, this past month brought the world death, destruction, and disasters. July 2016 will be remembered as a month that continuously stunned the people of the world with multiple shocking events.


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A monster hurricane is expected to wreak havoc on America's energy corridor and may be devastating to our regiomal economy.

Houston, Texas is still in danger of severe flooding and is not ready for a major hurricane. It's home to the nation's largest refining and petrochemical complex, where billions of gallons of oil and dangerous chemicals are stored. Houston is a sitting duck for the next big hurricane and this fourth largest city in the nation isn't nearly ready.

Freedom of Oppressed?

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The Turks did not read the writing on their walls. Now the harsh crackdown is underway. Turkish authorities should release and drop charges against 48 journalists that police have detained as part of a sweeping purge of the media.

According to the independent news website P24, the 88 journalists for whom arrest warrants were issued are part of the reaction to the July 15 military coup attempt that left more than 200 people dead.


With 100 long days to go, the countdown is on. CITY IMAGES reached out to civilians, military, professionals and blue collar workers on the west coast, midwest, as well as the east coast.

We decided to share the following timely lines in hopes that we open the eyes of those who love USA and want to fix our political system.

Jack and Jill Meaning behind the Nursery Rhyme

Jackass and Hil went up the hill
to fetch themselves some voters
Jackass doubled down
On being a real clown
And Hil said no Donald, you don't


Truth or Consequences

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Now that both political conventions have finally ended, the mudslinging and attacks should end and both candidates must start telling the truth in their White House race.

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and the Republican pick, Donald Trump should both outline what they are going to do for the US and how they will accomplish their individual tasks.

Hillary Clinton holds a rally with her chosen vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine in Philadelphia, where they’ll be joined by Bill Clinton later in Harrisburg, PA.


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Hillary Clinton has broken the glass ceiling and it is now time for her to deliver the most important speech of her life.

For Clinton to deliver her victorious White House speech, she must improve her favorability ratings by reaching out to Bernie supporters, independents, and undecided voters.

This election is a referendum on the best of two unpleasant candidates, but she has the most favorable ratings.

Hillary has to focus on her sharp contrast with Donald Trump’s dark rhetoric and negative policies.


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#ChasingPhilly tonight will be the final session of the Democratic National Convention. Hillary Clinton is expected to take the stage and tell American voters what she plans for US and how she will accomplish her goals.

On the heels of Wednesday's boost from many well known leaders, including VP Biden and President Obama, Hillary must continue to attract women, minority and young voters who are crucial to her victory some 100 days away.

Keep up with DON for a complete roundup of the convention and the politics:

No Can Do Dates

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Over the years, there have been dubious candidates who have entered the race knowing they have a snowball chance in hell of getting elected. We call them no can do dates. These are people, or in the latest case do it simply to improve their brand name recognition. But beware of wasting your one vote.

There have been so many. Here are just a few... Pat Paulson, Lyndon LaRouche, and The Cat in the Hat?

The Cat in the Hat for President 2016


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#ChashingPhilly The Democratic National Convention completed their most important political business.

Hillary Clinton has made history or more appropriately herstory, and became the first US female presidential nominee from a major political party after the official roll call and Bernie's endorsement.

The convention's opening day was filled with drama despite the party's attempt to display unity. It apparently found its footing after Michelle Obama's take-down of the GOP nominee, followed by Bernie Sanders' forceful Clinton endorsement.