Antisocial Media Motives

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Social media uses computer-mediated tools allowing people to create, share and exchange information, audio, images and videos. Terrorism has benefited and attempted to monopolize the medium that can not be controlled. Read and learn what experts are saying.

Can social media interrupt online terrorist activity? via @alexwitt

Social media, the new megaphone for violent perpetrators…

Journalisten and Research

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Unless an individual engages an interview without notice, there is a need for research with good background and knowledge.

Learning what you can about the person, or topics will help to put you on the correct footing.

What style do they like to adopt in interviews? And what has been said on these subjects before?

We need factual information when we are trying to hold someone in authority to account and to challenge them on their assertions, to get them to explain clearly what they are talking about and to support any case they want to put to forth.

Global Refugee Crisis

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Although refugees have long been a constant and for years accepted as part of human migration, the development of the nation-state and fixed borders in the 19th century has forced some countries to shun refugees and turn them into international pariahs.

Today, a global human tragedy of refugees now appears to be spreading everywhere. What in the world must we do to react? The plight of desperate people who are trying to flee their homes by land or sea is a humanitarian crisis that needs to be addressed.

US Shootings Continue

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More than one a day. That is how often shootings that left four or more people injured or dead occurred in the United States this year, according to compilations of episodes derived from news reports.

Oh Christmas Trees

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Two titans from the non religious side of Christmas will be illuminated today: Rockefeller Center in New York City and the one at The U.S. Capitol in Washington.

The New York tree is a massive 10-ton, 78-foot Norway spruce from the Hudson Valley. It was hoisted into place last month. The annual tree-lighting ceremony attracts tens of thousands of spectators and is watched by millions more live on television.

Tarnished Silver

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One political fat cat down and apparently many more to come. Business as usual and political corruption at the state house in Albany will soon be a thing of the past. Are you listening, corrupt NY politicians?

Sheldon Silver guilty of all 7 corruption charges

What Silver's guilty verdict means for the State Assembly

Editorial: Sheldon Silver’s accomplices

Cuomo praises Silver verdict, nixes special ethics session

Giving Tuesday

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Hate giving? Seriously? Are you kidding? Giving is by far the best thing we humans do to perform wonders.
Love It Or Hate It, #GivingTuesday Has Become 'A Thing'

#GivingTuesday: When the shopping ends, the giving begins

How holiday shopping mania led to Giving Tuesday

#GivingTuesday: Four ways to do a world of good (that won't cost you a cent)…

Despicable Ads?

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Just like some political candidates who will say or do just about anything to get more media attention, there’s no denying the buzz that some risqué commercials have created over the years.

Which products will you never purchase just because of the commercials?

Welcome to the big game:

Auto insurance commercial:

Peyton Manning's Nationwide ad:

Sobe Staring Contest:

26 Days Till Christmas

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Even before December arrives our world's shops, sidewalks and streets begin filling with Yuletide scenes: Performers in elf suits play traditional cymbals while Santa Claus stands outside a gingerbread cabin.

There’s no sign of Jesus, but in many big cities, you’re still more likely to see Father Christmas’s face than the baby Jesus.

This religious festival is so trendy, in fact, that it may be the most-celebrated festival in the world.

NSA Stops Bulk Survailence

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US National Security Agency has reportedly ended its massive collecting of Americans' phone records and replaced it with targeted surveillance methods.

Under the Freedom Act, the larger surveillance program was declared dead on Saturday night. This comes two and a half years after Edward Snowden exposed the depths of the program. This is the biggest bugging bow out since 9/11.

NSA to shut down bulk phone surveillance program by Sunday via @Reuters