Always talk to your cabbie

Submitted by ub on

On my way home from LAX, after sitting inside an airplane with a few dozen obnoxious teenagers, my plane landed and once I picked up my checked luggage, I grabbed a NYC taxi.

I immediately noticed, as I had many times before, that almost all cabbies are talking on their cell phones, even though New York's Taxi and Limousine Commission has banned the devices—even hands-free ones—for years.

Narcissistic and Entitled?

Submitted by ub on

No one looks the way I do.
I have noticed that it’s true.
No one walks the way I walk.
No one talks the way I talk.
No one plays the way I play.
No one says the things I say.
I am special.
I am me.

Gen Y members were born between 1978 and 1997 and grew up singing that nursery song. Today many parents and psychologists wonder if songs like that were not big mistakes.

Uncertain Immigration

Submitted by ub on

Emergency Quota Act of 1921 was considered to be an important legislation from the early twentieth century. This legislation utilized immigration statistics to determine a maximum number of immigrants allowed to enter US borders from each nation or region.

Unfortunately, the numbers were skewed to favor immigration from western European nations while severely curbing immigration from areas perceived to be undesirable. These immigration quotas would change over the years, but would put a lid on fair immigration policy.

Thanksgiving thoughts

Submitted by ub on

The past few days have been difficult for me to adjust to. It's was not only wet, cold and keeps on getting dark earlier every day, but leaving loved ones is always sad to say the least. Add to that, the political camp pain, which is a nightmare and what about those horrific acts overseas.

Therefore, I've decided to counter the bad by making a list of the good. May it lift all our spirits and give us all reasons to be thankful.

Thank you mother nature for creating us, other precious animals, plants for our pleasure.

Study Women Well

As the grandfather of a newborn baby girl, now four grand-daughters, as well as two daughters, not to forget the wives, it is essential to acknowledge that women should be cherished and understood.

Women Studies is a specialization for students who wish to explore gender and its relation to power: race, class, ethnicity, and sexuality by using these concepts to analyze human experience in its bodily, political, economic and cultural dimensions. The following lists most programs worldwide.



Adelphi University (NY) - Gender Studies Program


Refugee Resettlement Reatrictions

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HR 4038 bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives now looks to the Senate to uphold the best principles and practice of American leadership in refugee resettlement.

The bill would overturn a system that has been working. It compromises the lives of people who are already some of the most victimized people in the world. It would set back US humanitarian leadership and provide an excuse for those who wish to argue that the U.S. does not live up to the values it proclaims.

Pee nuttiest

Submitted by ub on

After traveling on trains, planes and buses and visiting many public facilities, I have noticed one thing...
Do you know the difference between the men and women's bathroom? The pee on the floor.

When you reach the bathroom you’re faced with two options: Do you try to stand and deliver without spraying everywhere? Or go for the unmanly butt-bow and pop a squat?

When you’re all finished, close the lid. This makes the flushing quieter and prevents the toilet from spritzing up bowl water—the sort of piss-and-fecal fountain that could contain E. coli.

Men Eat For Women

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Most guys cram way more food in their mouths while dining with women than by themselves or with other men, according to a new study from Cornell University.

Sexual selection has been commonly considered by evolutionary psychologists interested in eating disorders among women; however, comparable attention has not been paid to problematic eating by men.

Jolly Good Java

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Association of Coffee Consumption with total and cause-specific mortality in three large prospective cohorts examined the associations of consumption of total, caffeinated, and decaffeinated coffee with risk of subsequent total and cause-specific mortality among 74,890 women in the Nurses' Health Study (NHS), 93,054 women in the NHS 2, and 40,557 men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study.

Different is Good

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The time has come to end the harmful teachings by some religious denominations that being LGBT is bad, or whatever words they use to demean, call evil, and cause enormous pain to our youth. More and more people are changing their minds….from evangelicals to Presbyterians to Catholics to Conservative Jews. Our understanding of human sexuality, and the natural place of same-sex love in it, has evolved!