
Wild World City Life

Submitted by ub on

The World Atlas claims there are approximately 4,444 cities on earth with a combined population of around 100,000 people.

Which #Mega #City is the largest and the best one in the globe?


Some lists place Tokyo as the largest city in the world, but I live in the greatest city on earth and I have traveled around including Japan, and China, so I think Shanghai takes the top honor when the entire municipality is counted as one city.

Not Again!

Submitted by ub on

The Governor of New Jersey and Newark’s Mayor appear to be covering up the seriousness and health severity of lead poisoning. #WeThePeople have seen the exact same chain of events in Flint, Michigan.

While music superstars took to the stage during MTV’s Video Music Awards at Newark’s Prudential Center, protesters outside clashed with police, hoping to draw attention to Newark’s ongoing struggle for clean drinking water. Police thwarted activists, but dozens rushed a public plaza alongside the venue and heckled people waiting on line to get inside.

Radioactive Russians

Submitted by ub on

The name Russia is derived from Rus', a medieval state populated mostly by the East Slavs. However, this name became more prominent in the later history, and the country typically was called by its inhabitants "Русская Земля", which can be translated as "Russian Land" or "Land of Rus" Soon to be known as the homeland of radioactivity following another nuclear accident.

Hyperlocal Gun Laws

Submitted by ub on

We the People of the United States need Hypelocval gun laws, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this #Constitution for the United States of America. This means the government belongs to all the people of the USA

New York City

Submitted by ub on

The City of New York, often called New York City, Gotham, The Big Apple or The City, is not only the most populous metropolitan area in the #USA. With an estimated population of at least 9 millon distributed over a land area of The Bronx, Kings County aka Brooklyn, New York Manhattan, Queens County, Richmond (Staten Island), New York City also has one of the highest COST$ compared to other major cities in the United States of America.

United States of Alcoholics?

Submitted by ub on

One of the most overlooked aspects of alcohol addiction in the #USA is the impact it has on our families and our loved ones. We all heard the phrase I Like beer too many time recently, but unfortunately, it does not stop at beer consumption and the problem extends to many alcoholics.

Family Recovery Specialists aims to educate families and incorporate them into the recovery process to build a strong support network for lasting sobriety.

PS Education

Submitted by ub on

NO Not BS, but PS as in Public Service. There are activists and organizers who have been extremely effective. One individual comes to mind, but there are others and many more are urgently needed.

Some public servants perfected the craft on the streets, responding to injustices by helping people to reach their goals.
Let's create an opportunity with an eye toward training folks to solve real-world problems in hopes to spread these ideas.

Crosstown Traffic

Submitted by ub on

Traffic congestion cost American drivers nearly $305 Billion in 2017, an average of $1,445 per person

- INRIX Global Traffic Scorecard analyzes and ranks the impact of traffic congestion in 1,360 cities across 38 countries worldwide - the largest ever study of its kind

- Los Angeles topped the list of the world's most gridlocked cities for the sixth straight year, with drivers spending 102 hours in congestion in 2017 during peak time periods, followed by Moscow and New York (tied at 91 hours), Sao Paulo (86 hours) and San Francisco (79 hours)

City Images Ambassador

Submitted by ub on

There are thousands of cities on earth, depending on the definition of the term. It is important to take a moment to deconstruct the word #CITY before determining how many there are. The United States has 3,007 counties and 137 county equivalents for a total of 3,144 counties and county equivalents. #Cities and #Towns. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 19,354 incorporated places in the US.