Corona Virus

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The COVID-19 virus is slowly spreading around the world. it is now affecting all races and genders. Public safety officials are warning this is serious and not a hoax as others are saying.

Stay informed by listening, reading and taking real experts‘ advice seriously, not fools who want to downplay a life threatening Possible pandemic.

How long can this virus survive on surfaces?

Latino Life

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The US Census Bureau uses the ethnonyms Hispanic or Latino to refer to a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race and ancestry, and ethnicity.

Life as a Latino ain't easy in #US although it is Our America. We're Here To Stay: We’re American Multilingual Latinos. Get over it #MEGA - #MakeEspañolGreatAgain

Happy Leap Day

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February 29 is Leap Day. No, don’t start jumping just yet, this has nothing to do with frogs or ballet. It has to do with catching up to the Gregorian calendar and the rotation of the sun.

According to the Gregorian calendar which is the most widely used civil calendar in the world, and it's a day that takes place mostly during years that are divisible by four.

So, years including 2004, 2008, and 2012 were leaping years, and this year, we're celebrating leap day again.

The Good Old Days

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A Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes. Published in two parts, in 1605 and 1615, Don Quixote is the most influential work of literature from the Spanish Golden Age.

Measured as an idealist, he has been a military man and seen terrible things. He learns that the world is generally harsh and unforgiving.

The message is of hope and chivalry. To Dream, the Impossible Dream is undoubtedly the best known and represents the ideals of the gentleman as well as the knight.

King Con

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Have you been reading James McBride's Deacon, King Kong, from a virtual book club? Consider this version of king con.

The Coronavirus death toll rises and caused a crash that wiped out $5 trillion off global stocks as highly uncertain times to continue with increased deaths and the markets are really panicking.

Is anyone concerned with this level of unpreparedness and alarming incoherence? King Con is an enormous monster that has been reappearing in the media throughout the years.

Pelosi Pushback

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US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi keeps pushing back at POTUS after having him impeached. President Trump blamed the stock market fall on the Democrats.

Trump said the reason the market dropped was because of the debate the other night. But Speaker Pelosi quickly pointed out the market had dropped 1,800 points hours before the debate ever started.

More Pedestrian Deaths

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Don't cross the street in the middle of the block, or while distracted and texting. As many as 6283 recorded #USA deaths a year, according to public safety officials.

Distractions, drinking and walking in darkness contribute to a 30-year high in pedestrian deaths, according to the latest figures available.

Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) predicts there were 6,590 pedestrian deaths, which would be a 5% increase over the 6,227 pedestrian deaths in 2018.

Half Ounce Of Prevention

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With 60 Americans infected with Coronavirus, President Trump held a news conference to inform Americans and the world about what the USA is doing to contain the Epidemic, but instead attacked his opponents and spoke about the stock market.

Sanders Cuba Bern

Submitted by ub on

Bernie Sanders has a Cuban problem and while other presidential candidates have not nailed him down, registered Democrat voters are feeling his burn.

US Senator Bernie Sanders needs a more detailed explanation for praising Cuba’s Communist regime and it has developed into a long-term political headache for the Vermont senator's presidential campaign.

The Good Old Days!

Submitted by ub on

To savor the days of old, consider the years of many generations past. Ask your parents, and they will show you. or any of your elders and they may share them with you.

This period of time was pleasant and better than the present time when everything seemed possible.

Few films or live theatre survive the stigma of having an exclamation mark, but Fred Zinnemann's major motion picture version of Rodgers and Hammerstein 50's Musical has a breezy charm of Americana.