Latino Life

Submitted by ub on

The US Census Bureau uses the ethnonyms Hispanic or Latino to refer to a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race and ancestry, and ethnicity.

Life as a Latino ain't easy in #US although it is Our America. We're Here To Stay: We’re American Multilingual Latinos. Get over it #MEGA - #MakeEspañolGreatAgain

Some say Latinx is a gender-neutral neologism, sometimes used instead of Latino or Latina to refer to people of Latin American cultural or ethnic identity in the United States. The X suffix replaces the ending of nouns and adjectives, typical of grammatical gender in Spanish. Its plural is Latinxs.

Latinos are 18 percent of the population and the largest USA minority and we'll grow to 30 percent by mid-century.

#FaceBook: HispanosUnidosDeAmerica
