To The Republic

Submitted by ub on

The next Congress and a new President must be open to what We The People want as a public forum to solve the issues and fix the laws interactively thru digital brainstorming. NOT FOLLOWING THOSE OF SPECIAL INTERESTS.

Let's have all the candidates form a PACT that ensures whoever the winner is will hire all the other candidates as their next Cabinet members. Because there is strength in numbers NO MATTER WHICH ONE IS ELECTED PRESIDENT.

California Screaming

Submitted by ub on

California screaming on such a Summer’s stay for those around LA for the past few days, as a couple of earthquakes and dozens of aftershocks are rattling The Southland. A second quake hit near Ridgecrest, California last night, bigger than the night before.

I went to bed praying, which is something I don't do often. I prayed for the safety of my family, for friends and anyone who may be experiencing the terror of not knowing when the next quake will hit. Thank God I heard from both my daughters. They said they and their families are safe.

POTUS Modus Operandi

Submitted by ub on

Modus Operandi is a method of procedure and in his case a distinct pattern of operation which suggests the work of a single individual in multiple actions.

POTUS obvious MO and his only way to stay in a news cycle is when DonaldTrump makes a series of false claims or sends Tweets and then fact checkers keep mentioning him while his base eats it up and loves it more and more. #DONews … #CityImages

Happy July 4 America

Submitted by ub on

Happy July Fourth America. Did POTUS try to make Independence Day all about him, but wound up looking very small and not too popular after all was said and done?

Trump’s comments during his private 🎊 party 🎉 to himself have been characterized as a grammar school lecture, while others allege it was a political stunt, or that it was written by bots.

Donald Trump, who steadfastly avoided serving in Vietnam through multiple draft deferments, now urged young Americans to join the #USA military.

Happy July Fourth USA

Submitted by ub on

The United States Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress meeting at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776.

The announced that the thirteen American colonies then at war with the Kingdom of Great Britain would regard themselves as thirteen independent sovereign states no longer under the rule of The United Kingdom.

What have Americans learned from all the trial, tribulations and many turns to preserve our independence?

Real Presidential

Submitted by ub on

Did you know that John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died during the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1826?

The really big problem with revising history can occur while trying to keep out negative facts and sugarcoating the positive points.

John Adams, of all the Founding Fathers, was the real literal father of many, including another future president, and took great interest in shaping his children’s character. And he was the metaphorical father of a nation whose character he likewise tried to shape, often against fierce resistance.

USA Comes to its CENSUS

Submitted by ub on

The citizenship question had to reach The Supreme Court of The United States but the judges ruled and POTUS lost, thereby ruining his private Independence Day Celebration. Is he getting tired of winning yet?

The Trump administration has decided to print the #2020Census forms without a #CitizenshipQuestion & the printer has been told to start the printing process, @TheJusticeDept

The federal government confirmed that #USA Census forms are being printed without a citizenship question.

Government For We The People

Submitted by ub on

Our president, The US House, and The Senate, including all public servants, must constantly be reminded that they work for us and we should tell them each and every day if they wish to stay, or else go away!

The issue should never be what is best for me, but it must always be what is best for We The People. The American taxpayers who pay your salaries and all the benefits you are enjoying.

We R Family

Submitted by ub on

My real name is Roberto but people call me UB. Now that my darling daughters are mothers and made me a Grandfather with delightful children, they call me GB or Grandpa Bob.