Local NYC Warning

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City Island A Slice of NYC Paradise sometimes has a way to offer unexpected surprises, according to local artist Ron Terner.

Viewer Beware: If this photograph bothers you I am sorry. I put it up to make people aware that if they go to Orchard Beach early morning like I do to enjoy nature there is a part of it that we have to be careful of. Now, that there are so many deer and I love watching and photographing them there are now coyotes.

Diarrhea of the Mouth

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Since a fake businessman and now leader of the Republican party entered politics he’s spread too much of his diarrhea of the mouth.

After the courts, top law enforcement officials and his cabinet members told him election-fraud claims were false, he still repeated the nonsense to a wide audience, over and over again, hoping they would swallow the twice impeached, loser, liar’s     cries for attention like a spoiled brat.

Vote Blue to Save USA

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Many American families still rely on Social Security to survive. Life in the USA would be very different without it, or Medicare.

The Republicans plan to cut both programs after cutting taxes to the wealthiest corporations. If registered American citizens don’t want to kiss them both goodbye, they really need to #VoteBlueDownBallot #DemVoice1

RiP Angela Lansbury

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A long lasting series of murder investigation are taking place in heaven and about to be solved where some may wind up down under.

Poorest USA States

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Nationwide, more than thirty-seven million Americans fell below the poverty line with the majority living is Republican states.

Monster Smash

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The monster who invaded Ukraine and has been bombing, killing, and torturing its citizens since the war began calls them terrorists.

He first said they were Nazis and his Republican cheering section here in the USA said it was a brilliant tactic, until his dirty war began going nowhere and the Ukrainians pushed back.

Who’s Falult?

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The 1906 San Francisco earthquake left a visible gap all along the San Andreas Fault line, which can still be seen today.

Located between the North American Plate and the Pacific Plate, the San Andreas Fault is among the most known active faults on the planet. It was named so after the San Andreas Lake that was formed as a result of the fault, which was discovered in 1895 by geologist Andrew Lawson of the University of California, Berkeley.

Embrace Leadership

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It's easy to get bogged down and feel like you are too busy to vote. With bills to pay, tasks to complete, and taking care of ourselves.

Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0

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POTUS believes the free world is reportedly closer to nuclear war that it was during the Cuban Missile Crisis of the 1960s 

His comments followed the words spoken thousands of miles from United Nations headquarters, Vladimir Putin’s speech at the Kremlin also landed with force at the General Assembly.

Biden invokes Cuban missile crisis after Russia's threats

The president said that, amid the country's attempted annexation of Ukrainian territory, President Vladimir Putin's threats were not merely idle.