
Reject Isms

Just say no to the fifth digit; the little finger or tiny toe. Our modern world demands digital democracy. The days of intimidation, mob rule and total control must be left behind. Trust me, I have lived under a dictatorship, communism but will always and forever vote for a democratic way of life.

The isms are a distinctive philosophy, typically a political ideology or a movement. "of all the isms, Totalitarianism, Communism and Fascism are the most repressive.


Meet Depressed

Submitted by ub on

Americans are depressed and frustrated with the state of our current political climate that has reached new lows, with leaders scrambling to persuade their nominees to stick to the issues, to abandon attacks and negative tactics which have caused low morale among the US electorate.

We realize that political campaigns and elections are not supposed to be fun, but they should always reaffirm what’s best about democracy.

Financial Forecast

The Armageddon countdown clocks were back, ticking away the second quarter in the bottom of
our TV screens as the world awaited the June 23rd Brexit vote determining if Great Britain would
leave the European Union. The referendum was considered a joke until recent polls showed it
having a chance to pass which kicked the ruling class into gear saying the Euroskeptics should not
be taken seriously. President Obama went to London to warn against Brexit saying “The UK is
going to be in the back of the queue” when the US negotiates trade deals. His comments were


GOP Conventional Wisdom?

Submitted by ub on

#ChasingCleveland - There were some issues on display on GOP's first day that should have been avoided.

First, there was the chaos on the floor that looked like a banana republic and bully pulpit system after there were were sufficiently conspicuous opportunities to speak on convention rules and then be voted on.

This terrible dissent in which to advocate a real agenda was a wonderful opportunity for digital democracy. Instead, the opposing delegates are now reportedly now being threatened by pro-Trump forces.

Ray Of Hope?

Submitted by ub on

Not until convention showtime is there one single delegate who is tied and bound to any specific candidate.

In fact, there is not a single “bound” delegate to the National Conventions. Not one delegate is required to vote for Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, or any others who may have “won” votes during the primaries.

Each delegate will have to make their own choice. They are the only ones who will choose the nominee.


Submitted by ub on

Seriously? Perhaps it is time to re-brand it, Grand Old Tardy. Consider a makeover for the Republican Party of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

The Pledge of Allegiance was written in August 1892 by socialist minister Francis Bellamy 1855-1931. This was published in The Youth's Companion on September 8, 1892. Bellamy had hoped that the pledge would be used by citizens in many countries.

Citizens Soap Box

Submitted by ub on

Is anyone good?

What is going on? It is like you look down for a few months and you look up, and all of a sudden you have two very corrupt people running for president. One's corrupt in politics, one's corrupt in life.

Hillary drove Vince Foster to suicide: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3620742/Hillary-triggered-suicid...

Hillary hasn't had a press conference since well before primaries:

A Digital Democracy

Submitted by ub on

The practice of a digital system of democracy would not only allow registered voters to opine on which issues they want candidates to discuss, but also tell politicians where to focus their time and energy.

Which topic would the majority of US voters like to see the Congress dealing with? Does it matter to you, your family and fiends?

Whether you know who you’re voting for, are yet to decide or have a specific subject candidates should be addressing. Everyone's contributions would help shape the future of this great nation.

We invite you to visit NEWSHOOKS.COM

Too Little, Too Late?

Submitted by ub on

The GOP candidates went all out to appear presidential in their 12th GOP debate speaking in firm but level tones.

The debate once again lacked specifics from all the candidates. This contest before Tuesday's polling at least did not degenerate into the mudslinging of past debates, when the candidates insulted and talked over one another.

Meanwhile, another former foe of The Donald, retired surgeon Ben Carson is endorsing Trump for president. This development may strengthen the front-runner’s support among blacks, conservatives and evangelicals.


Submitted by ub on

Tuesday changes everything in this seemingly never ending camp pain. While some of the candidates keep rolling on with their hot air, Stupor Tuesday may be make-or-break is day for some political rivals.

Most states have awarded delegates on a proportional basis so far. But that changes in an effort to help a front-runner and hinder those falling behind.

Stupor is defined as a state of near-unconsciousness or insensibility. A daze, or state of unconsciousness, insensibility, oblivion?