Tolerance, Love and Consideration

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All we should need, or want for Christmas are the gifts of tolerance, love, and consideration.

Everyone would agree these are core principles of humanity. The right of all people to express their individual beliefs, feelings, or traditions which may be different from our own.

Schools, government, public services and the military have all practiced intolerance when they prevent the free expression of faith and beliefs, or the right to practice whatever lifestyle one chooses, as long as they are not hurting others.


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TV icon Alan Thicke is dead at age 69. The Canadian-born actor, who is an NHL fan suffered a heart attack while playing hockey with his son in California.

Alan Thicke, iconic TV dad, dead at 69, publicist confirms

'Growing Pains' patriarch Alan Thicke dies at 69 via @upishowbiz

Actor Alan Thicke, dad on 'Growing Pains,' dead at 69 via @Reuters

Do The Ends Justify the Meanness?

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Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was known as a Renaissance historian, a politician, a diplomat, a philosopher, a humanist, and an amazing communicator. He was born in 1469 and died in 1527 in his beloved Florence Italy.

Can you break down this moral code? Does anyone come to mind who appears only on Fox and is cunning like a fox and ready to deceive? Consider our contemporaries and a Virtusa?

Machiavelli is the founder of modern politics. He has been quoted as saying It is better to be feared than loved if you cannot be both.

S and M

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Supermoon and Meteors are two celestial phenomena that will be fighting for our attention high above our heads tonight.

The Geminids are one of the year's best meteor showers but may be dimmed by the bright light of yet another "supermoon" tonight and early Wednesday morning.

Even worse, thick clouds from coast to coast may make for poor viewing conditions for much of the country.

More Broken Promises

Donald J Trump continues to fall short on promises he made to the American people. His moves to cozy up with The Russians has apparently stopped him from holding an official news conference since July.

Why has Trump canceled his long-awaited press event about conflicts of interest until sometime next year? Where are his #TRUMPTAXES?

Donald Trump delays announcement on his businesses until January



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Chief U.S. District Judge Wiley Y. Daniel has denied a request to nullify a Colorado law requiring presidential electors to vote for the winner of the state’s popular vote. To do otherwise, Daniel said it would undermine the electoral process.

The president-elect intervened to defend the integrity of the electoral process. Your vote should count when you vote for president said an attorney representing Trump.


Senator Warren's warnings: US Senator Elizabeth Warren is warning Donald Trump: Don't cut Medicare and Medicaid

The people continue to wait for the release of #TRUMPTAXES. If you wish to support US Senator Elizabeth Warren's request to audit President-Elect Trump's finances for conflicts of interest,
The Comptroller General of the Government Accountability Office says to send emails to:

Katherine Siggerud and Timothy Minnelli

and also copy


Our Lady of Guadalupe

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Our Lady of Guadalupe is celebrated on December 12 throughout the world. She serves as the saint of Mexico, as well as the patron saint of The Americas.

Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, also known as the Virgin of Guadalupe is a Roman Catholic title of the Blessed Virgin Mary associated with a venerated image enshrined within the Minor Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. The basilica is the most visited Catholic pilgrimage site in the world. Pope Leo XIII granted the venerated image a Canonical Coronation on 12 October 1895. This also happens to be my birthday, but a later year.

Holiday Gifts

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Christmas eve and Hanukkah happen to fall on the same day this year, therefore #CITY IMAGES, #NEWSHOOKS and #DOSEOFNEWS have decided to celebrate the holidays by offering free Dose Of News shirts to the best and most creative testimonial essays that are mailed to us on or before December 24, 2016.

Your original declarations certifying our platforms' public services and your opinion on the value, excellence, or recommendations for improvement.


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Donald J Trumps's political camp pain was successful attacking his opponents and denying much of what has long been the norm. Are constant denials a partisan issue or the solution to problems?

He denied climate change, that generals knew what they're doing, that America is already great, denying the real outcome of our election... etc.

But denial is no longer going to make it. Investigations into Russian hacking will not be denied.