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The National Weather Service has issued an NYC Wind Advisory citywide which goes into effect on Sunday, November 20 beginning at 6:00am until Monday, November 21 at 6:00pm.

The advisory has been issued for sustained winds of 25 mph to 35 mph and gusts in excess of 50 mph. During periods of high winds, residents should use caution when walking or driving high profile vehicles.
Winds at these speeds can cause flying debris, turn unsecured objects into projectiles, and cause scattered power outages.


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A new satellite will soon be offering high-definition images of the weather. The USA's newest weather satellite launching today will send back images our way that we have never seen of severe storms, blizzards, hurricanes and lightning strikes.

The powerful satellite can scan the entire Western Hemisphere in five minutes. The school-bus-size satellite, GOES-R was designed and built by Lockheed Martin and will be run by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Holiday Recipees

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As the holiday season approaches here is one of Sabrina Soto's favorites, Plantains.

I’m pretty sure every Cuban loves plantains. If I’m wrong, please let me know. I’ve been eating plantains since I was a kid and I'm still not sick of them! I love them as tostones (with Mojo or ketchup) and also stuffed with shrimp ceviche (my Mom makes the best!)

News and Views

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Kansas Congressman Mike Pompeo has been a U.S. Representative since 2011 is a Tea Party member of The GOP. He was reportedly chosen by Republican President-elect Trump to serve as CIA Director. Who is he, why was he chosen and how did Russia find out first?

He is a third-term ultra-conservative Congressman who was appointed to the House Select Benghazi Committee looking into the death of a US ambassador in Libya. Pompeo also serves on the US House Intelligence Committee.


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China keeps building bridges throughout Latin America, as The US continues to talk about building a wall.

PRC President Xi Jinping is attending a Pacific Rim summit as part of his tour in Ecuador, Peru, and Chile, as the Chinese leader continues to play a key role in trade throughout the entire region.

China is ready to pounce if Trump axes Pacific trade deal via @CNNMoney

China, Ecuador pledge to boost production capacity, trade cooperation - Xinhua |

Dylan in Denial

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Nobel Prize winner Bob Dylan says thanks, but no thanks. He will not attend the ceremony.

Bob Dylan unable to attend Nobel Prize Ceremony @CNN

It pays to be a jerk, Bob Dylan edition…

Bob Dylan Won't Attend Nobel Ceremony to Accept Literature Prize via @RollingStone

Swedish Academy says Bob Dylan will not pick up his Nobel Prize in person |

Welcome Ms. Winter?

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Wow, it's Winter already? The winter storms of the season will be arriving across the US, with portions of the Rockies, north-central states, Great Lakes and then the Northeast corridor expecting about a foot.

The snowfall may create travel problems for motorists and fliers eager to make an early Thanksgiving getaway.

These storms will also bring in colder air, which is expected to spread across much of the central and the eastern USA before the weekend.

The weather forecast brings an abrupt end to what's been the least snowy November in the past decade across the country.


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And then slowly eat a couple of slices a day. It may increase your lifespan, according to a new study which claims that eating cheese will allow you to live longer.

The Journal Nature Medicine now suggests that eating cheese might actually be good.

Cardioprotection and lifespan extension by the natural polyamine spermidine, aka CHEESE.


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CITY IMAGES has launched new platforms as a public service.

We came up with this idea last year and secured the names of our new websites.

In light of increasing toxic comments, we've decided to launch it sooner than later.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

When someone says I'm ugly, stupid, fat, mean, and everybody hates me ...etc.
Anything anyone says won't be disturbing nor what's written about me, myself, and I.

I Don't Care Club... Never mind about anyone's criticism.
To join, please write to


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Just in time for the holidays, scientists have announced the findings of a new study which points towards the benefits of chocolate.

This, according to researchers at MSLS Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal Study of aging, cardiovascular disease and cognitive performance has had its home in the Department of Psychology at the University of Maine since 1976. Participants of the study include persons of all adult ages.

The study suggests that chocolate makes consumers smarter. This bit of sweet and smart news will please my lovely wife will surely capitalize on these findings.