Terror off Tracks

Submitted by ub on

I have been told by railroad veterans that the last car on the train is usually the safest.

As someone who has spent thousands of hours commuting on trains in the past year, this news development greatly concerns me. It is alarming, not only because of the loss of life nd the hundreds of injuries but also because of the dangerous conditions commuters face on a daily basis.

Does this preventable train crash highlight Christie's failure to fund transportation? | Mulshine http://s.nj.com/0OyXpEV

Hoboken mother, 34, dead in major NJ Transit crash http://nydn.us/2dotiqI


Submitted by ub on

The Donald may be up to his neck in red corruption. No wonder why he does not want to release his past tax returns. We ask what else is he hiding?

Looks like he may have conducted illegal trade secretly with #Cuba #Castro #trumpforprison #trump #lockhimup #truptaxes

Donald Trump conducted illegal business in Communist Cuba: report http://nydn.us/2dBcdYf

Donald Trump broke Cuba embargo, knowingly conducted illegal business in communist country http://slnm.us/JxvDgGB

New article to look at Trump ties to Cuba during embargo http://on.msnbc.com/2dlPjqh via

One Dad and Two Moms?

Submitted by ub on

The world’s first baby was born with a new technique utilizing the DNA of 3 parents.

A 5-month-old boy, born to Jordanian parents, was conceived with the assistance of a US team based in Mexico and using a controversial technique which allows parents with rare genetic mutations to have healthy babies, the New Scientist reports.

Baby With DNA From Three People Born Using First-Of-Its-Kind Fertilization Method http://futurism.com/baby-with-dna-from-three-people-born-using-first-of…

World's first baby born with DNA from three parents http://ti.me/2ds75JJ


Submitted by ub on

US Senators plan to use their authority to reject or cancel another decision made by President Obama to overrule his 9/11 Bill veto.

If the legislative branch of our democracy is able to override this veto, then the bill that would allow families of Sept. 11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia and other countries over the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people would be quashed.

PBS Frontline

Submitted by ub on

The Choice 2016 Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are two of the most polarizing presidential candidates in modern history.

Veteran FRONTLINE filmmaker Michael Kirk goes beyond the headlines to investigate what has shaped these two candidates, where they came from, how they lead and why they want one of the most.


The Donald Trumped Again

Submitted by ub on

Hillary trumped The Donald and once again beat him by saying and doing something greater. This is not the first time he is called out by her.

5 things you need to know Tuesday http://usat.ly/2dfWfS9

The Clinton/Trump debate in just 2 minutes http://cnn.it/2dwh3X1

Policy reporters fact-checked @realDonaldTrump and @HillaryClinton at the debate. Here's what they found: http://politi.co/2dopyHC

AP Debate Analysis http://interactives.ap.org/2016/2016-election-debates/

Donald Trump interrupted Hillary Clinton 29 times. The debate, in numbers: http://nyti.ms/2dfPBvk


Submitted by ub on

The Donald and Hillary came out swinging in a contentious first nationally televised and streamed debate. Both entered the debate trying to win support from an unusually high number of voters who are probably undecided.

Government for the people and by the people exercised either directly or through elected representatives. The United States is not a direct democracy, in the sense of a country in which decisions and laws are made predominantly by majority vote.

Depending on which side of the aisle you fall under, there is something for everyone below:


Submitted by ub on

it may be more theatrics than politics, but as the song says, tonight won't be just any night. Millions of people will watch Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the first presidential debate.

Tonight is the matchup we’ve all been waiting for. Hillary and Donald will debate for the first time at Hofstra University in Hempstead, Long Island. Both candidates call New York home.

In the first step to victory, both must lay out a clear agenda of how they plan to move America forward during the next four years with a do nothing Congress.

Madam President?

Submitted by ub on

Longtime Clinton watchers are amazed over The Clinton’s post–White House escapades, from dubious associations to media blowups which have bruised the campaigns.

First, there was Bill's Camp pain 1992 then your 2008, which were progressively difficult but 2016 has been brutal. While she was out there changing the world, her detractors are trying to knock her down with campaign lies and accusations which presaged what would happen during her administration. She has been relentless and for that, Hillary has made herstory as well as history and must be congratulated. Kudos on all those surprise endorsements from Republicans and Democrats as well as from various well-respected American newspapers' editorial boards.

Hillery Clinton may become the first female leader of the free world. I have no political affiliation I'm not a Democrat and not Republican though some have tried to convert me.

How will The Donald handle his lying statements challenged by an intelligent, experienced woman with a long and established track record?