Unfortunately, it took decades, but being a Hispanic and speaking in Spanish is now en vogue and normalized. Leila's Billboard essay.
Unfortunately, it took decades, but being a Hispanic and speaking in Spanish is now en vogue and normalized. Leila's Billboard essay.
Recording in public: Is It Illegal to record without permission? Yes, according to a published article from The Freedom Forum.
Is recording in public protected by the First Amendment? Can you make a video or audio recording anytime and anywhere you want of someone or something that you can see?
Well, in theory: Yes, you can.
But the reality is that the specifics of recording in public – and what you can do with a recording – can get complicated, very quickly.
Taylor Swift is a Superstar singer and celebrity with a global audience and immense appeal to younger Americans. She is encouraging her followers to register and vote. They will!
While the GOPs continue digging a hole Swift will be there shoveling voters to their polling stations.
The task of escaping the clutches of the swamp and totalitarian gaslighting is a journey toward self-empowerment and clarity.
The latest mass shooting that left at least 16 people dead and dozens injured in Lewiston, Maine, added to a list of 565 reported across the United States this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive.
Fulton County prosecutors have so far reportedly discussed potential plea deals with at least six additional co-defendants charged alongside Trump for attempting to overturn the 2020 election, as the walls close in on the disgraced twice impeached and indicted criminal defendant.
A has-been, old, out-of-shape, and overweight drama queen can't control his emotional performances or multiple overreactions.
Yes, the best description of him. After all, he screams, shouts, and pleads for constant attention, because he thinks the whole world revolves around his histrionics.
Just in time for Halloween, The Associated Press brings us this real-life horror story that just may make everyone in the US cringe.
For the first time in US history, the federal government executed more people than all of the 50 states combined, and the number of federal prisoners put to death that year – 10 – was the highest since President Grover Cleveland’s second term in office, according to the Death Penalty Information Center.
It's the most wonderful time of the year. It begins with Halloween and through The Epiphany on January 6, Three Kings Day.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHD7O5p_Ol8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gumQ6Na-aI
While the National Nursing Home aka the US Senate tries to fill the expanding void The Out House begins to burn from within.
Meanwhile, Republicans vowed to stay in the rat race for the speaker's gavel NOT IN OUR DISTRICT - YOU’RE FIRED!