First Fridays @ The Mansion

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Another Friday, June 3 5:30-to-8:30 p.m. Live Music Concert at 7 p.m.
Enjoy the magic of the mansion this summer evening with music by the Primavera Consort.
Tour the mansion, stroll the garden, enjoy refreshments, and hop on the free Bronx Seaside Trolley
for a delightful ride to from and back to City Island.

Primavera Consort, is an early music ensemble that will perform pieces by Vivaldi,
Handel, Telemann, Bach, and others in the mansion's elegant double parlors at 7P
Consort members include Lawrence Zukof, recorders; Drew Santini, baritone;
Rick Erickson, harpsichord; and Susan Iadone, viola da gamba.

Celebrate All Our Children

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Today is one of various days chosen to honor our most precious beings. International Children Day on June 1, as adopted by Communist nations, USA celebrates it on the second Sunday of June. Japan celebrates it the fifth day of the fifth month, Universal Children Day is November 20, as declared by UN. The Day for all Children is often celebrated on other days as well. Let's celebrate each child, everywhere on earth.
National Children’s Day
The websites and are portals for the expansion and revival of Children's Day on the second Sunday in June in the United States, by giving faith, hope, love, and commitment to our children.

Severe Weather

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According to forecasters, severe storms are headed towards us this afternoon with warnings that perhaps tornadoes could hit NYC.

The National Weather Service has announced that conditions are marginally favorable for twisters to form.

Watches have been issued in neighboring NYC counties, including Nassau and Westchester. Dickman with a five percent chance of twisters in the area. The chances of severe thunderstorms are much higher until 6 p.m.

Medical Resources

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* Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality -
* Merck Source - (English)
* Enciclopedia Multimedia - (Español)
* What is mesothelioma? The Mesothelioma Center -
* New York City Health Insurance Link -
* Community Health Care Association of New York State —
* National Association of Community Health Centers —
* Primary Care Development Corporation —
* American Heart Association —

Plans Presented for a New City Island Senior Center

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Italian Hospital Society, the organization led by Dr. Domenico Mignone, MD, held an informational meeting at City Island Community Center last night. The doctor and his group were seeking Civic Association support for the creation of another City Island Home for the Aged. The Society is responsible for building the first Italian Hospital in Manhattan, catering to New York’s immigrant population, back in the late 1930s.

Social Media Strategies

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If you plan to be Tweeting, or Blogging... Who even has time to sleep anymore?

As our social networking and social media tools expand, it’s important to maintain control of our communication. Whether for business, personal use, or both, lets streamline our social media presence by tapping into these time-management tips and tools designed specifically for social media technology.

Just like IMAGES, there are new media outlets being created every day; keeping up with them can be time consuming. A few years ago, you might have checked your e-mail. Now, many users have a Facebook page and a Twitter account...etc.

Whether we network for personal use or business needs, it is a good idea to evaluate our tools to make sure they add to our productivity. If we are social butterflies, or news junkies, using Twitter for frequent, short bursts of information might be the best tool. If our business relies on our expertise in our field, then a regularly-updated blog might be the perfect way to share informative industry-related information.

Anyone who has spent five minutes with Facebook knows that a quick session can easily turn into a longer one. Time management is an important skill to master for maximizing your social media interaction. A common strategy is to set aside certain times of the day to log in and catch up. Personal users typically check in before work, during lunch and at the end of the day. Business users may need to look more often, setting blocks of time — say, 30 minutes — in the morning and afternoon to send out updates to customers. Choose a schedule that works for you, but stay faithful to the limits you set.

If you have the feeling that you are spending more time than you need to on social media pursuits, try logging the time you spend accessing social media for one week to get an accurate idea of the time you dedicate to it. If you find yourself getting sucked in for hours, you might want to set a kitchen timer for fifteen minutes each time you log in: when the buzzer goes off, you’re done.

Now that there are many social media outlets available, companies are creating helpful tools to bundle access to favorite sites. By managing our social media outlets with one app, we don’t have to log in to every social media tool separately to check out the action; we can hit them all at once and save time.

Using Technology To Promote Democracy

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As grass roots uprisings all over the world gain momentum from social networks, like Twitter, questions keep coming up concerning censorship and security issues.

What lessons do the uprisings hold? What can organizations do to promote freedom of expression in a time of political change?

Bronx Museum on Wheels- Another Really Big Show?

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The Bronx Children’s Museum is actually a former school bus, which has been painted in a burst of bright purple, orange and florescent yellow. It is the brainchild of the grandchild of a well know TV personality and pioneer blogger.