Happy POTUS Anniversary

Submitted by ub on

Celebrate with POTUS Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris to mark another successful year leading our American Democracy.

KUDOS and Congratulations on their anniversary. Please, allow me to kindly and respectfully suggest that they consider a series of Town Hall and Fireside Chats via broadcast and streaming sessions.

Multilingual and Multicultural

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Being multi-talented is as much a blessing as being multilingual, and multicultural living in several worlds fascinating communicators.

Multilingual people can usually speak and write in more than one language, whether that's English, Spanish and sign language, or French. Except for the silly example of Klingon, being multilingual is extremely useful — it can help you get jobs and succeed in life because you're able to communicate with more people. Becoming multilingual is a great goal for anyone. It helps you learn about the world and do more than a monolingual person can.

RIP David Crosby

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As a young rock fan, I recall going to a record store and asking for CSN. The clerk said Bing Crosby is there, but I don’t know the others.

Singer-songwriter David Crosby dead at 81. Crosby, Stills & Nash's eponymous debut album marks the point where rock music transitioned from the heady explorations of the 1960s

Legendary singer-songwriter of The Byrds, Crosby, Stills and Nash and CSNY died last night and those who know him best fear it may have been drug abuse after many years.  https://davidcrosby.com/

Lunar New Year

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The following are reportedly the very best US cities to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year. Top Three Cities For Lunar New Year:

  1. New York City takes first place, ranking highest overall for community and second-best for celebrations.

  2. San Francisco has the highest score for celebrations of all the cities studied.

  3. Los Angeles received the second-highest score overall for the community.

Words To The Wise

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Why have we, as a bright civilization, reached a state, where we accept that all sorts of uneducated nutcases are habitual liars?

In my first classroom, I remember our teacher repeating, "a word to the wise is sufficient."

Too many individuals who call themselves leaders or public servants inflate themselves as fake experts in all fields.

Today, most stupid people claim to have all the answers, while all the intelligent ones continue asking questions.

Knowledge, gained through studying new information, consists of vast data storage. 

Birthday Breakfast

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As I enjoy breakfast with my bride on her birthday, we both consume the same thing. Oatmeal, some fruit, and a hard-boiled egg.

There is a wide variety of oatmeal, which is a preparation of oats that have been de-husked, steamed, and flattened, or a coarse flour of hulled oat grains that have either been milled or steel-cut. Ground oats are also called white oats. Steel-cut oats are known as coarse oatmeal, Irish oatmeal, or pinhead oats.

A Great Gardener

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Being a good leader is like being a great gardener. It is not just measured by the length of time spent that makes them great.

A great gardener tends to have a passion for certain elements of gardening be it design, color schemes, textures, or types of foliage, flowers, or species of plants.

They seem to get excited when you mention something interesting about their garden or something they personally take pride in establishing.

NY Last Place

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Wherever we decide to live has a big impact on how long we actually stay live, according to an analysis of major U.S. metro areas. 

While people born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, can expect to live around 83 years on average, natives of Jackson, Mississippi, have lives that are 8.6 years shorter, according to a MoneyGeek report.


Submitted by ub on

When will Republicans learn to play nice among themselves and why does the GOP go low to attack each other on the House floor?

The MAGA Republicans have hijacked our federal government with violence and economic destruction while our future outlook is going from dim to dark fast.