The Bronx Music

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According to the Music Heritage Center  #BMHC which presents "Bronx Music" these are musical genres significant to The Bronx.

They list the following hip hop, salsa though salsa wasn't born in the BX it has become synonymous with it and urban bachata think Romeo Santos.

Fussing Over Russians

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Federal Communications Commission regulations require broadcasters to serve their community, but it may not apply to FOX TV. 

What's The Point?

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This is a fabulous animated film. The story teaches our children good lessons about peaceful existence, individuality, and self-worth.

Once upon a time, a long way from here, there was a tiny village where everything, the houses, and the carts, the bridges and the barns, everything, all had points on them.


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The Bible story of David and Goliath mentions the Israelites being outmatched by the Philistines and the giant Goliath.

Only a shepherd David, armed with a sling and five smooth stones, is willing to challenge Goliath. With a single shot, he fells the giant, and the Philistines fled. Talk about a modern-day story of #David & # Goliath #ukraine #russia

Wonders Of The World

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There are several versions and different opinions on how many and which ones are the real and best wonders of the world.

The problem with the Wonders of the World is that only the special ones can make the list. Therefore, the term "wonders of the world” has been used to describe things that should make the main list.

Coffee Light or Dark?

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Bad News for the world's coffee drinkers: You might be a psychopath if you like black coffee, according to academic research.

Do you drink your coffee black? According to the news online, that might make you a psychopath. The same goes for people who enjoy other bitter foods and beverages, like tonic water, kale, broccoli rabe, and radishes.

Alexey Navalny From Prison

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Alexey Navalny reportedly posted a #Twitter thread addressing the #Russian people.

Even it sounds counterintuitive or paradoxical, I think we need to stand also united behind the Russian people because they – hopefully – stand up in Russia and fight for their freedom, peace, and democracy! 

1/12 We - Russia - want to be a nation of peace. Alas, few people would call us that now

Zodiac Signs

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ZODIAC SIGNS COMPATIBILITY How do the different Zodiac signs get along? Are you two a fierce duo or prickly mismatch?


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Nobody likes #Russia as the international walls continue to close in on Communist dictator Putin, his few allies are reconsidering.

Ukraine Invasion

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Todo el prestigio d ucrania
Brillando con dignidad
Defienden la libertad
Contra el terror y la infamia

Razón justicia y dolor
En una misma trinchera
Es la historia verdadera
De un pueblo lleno d honor

La insistencia d un malvado
Por quererlo dominar
A tenido que escuchar
Q el mundo lo ha condenado

Tal dictador reciclado
En la esfera comunista
Con pretensiones zarista
Hoy intenta su reinado

Vil condenado al fracaso
Por el terror implantar
El clamor universal
Ha expresado su rechazo