Journalism Under Attack

Submitted by ub on

Freedom of the press through various media, especially published materials is a global right that should be exercised freely.

The American news media referred to as The press in the first amendment was designed to serve the governed, not the governors.The freedom of the press is critical to a democracy in which the government is accountable to the people. A free news media functions as a watchdog that can investigate and report on government and civic wrongdoing.

Deaths Piling Up

Submitted by ub on

Republican governors #RonDeSantis in Florida and #Gregg Abbott of Texas deserve responsibility for thousands of preventable deaths.

Gregory Wayne Abbott is an American politician, attorney, and former jurist serving since 2015 as the 48th governor of Texas. A member of the Republican Party, he served as Attorney General of Texas from 2002 to 2015 and as a member of the Texas Supreme Court from 1996 to 2001

Senior Prank

Submitted by ub on

A retired friend who's a university professor sent the following message that's way too funny to pass up and not share with you.

World Class Journalism

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The Associated Press is the world’s oldest nonprofit news cooperative. AP is proudly celebrating 175 years of service and growth.

The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. Founded in 1846, AP today is the largest and most trusted source of independent news and information. On any given day more than half the world's population sees news from AP.


Submitted by ub on

The five steps to success… Cinco pasos para tener exito… 成功的五个步骤

Great Birthday Gifts

Submitted by ub on

I got wonderful gifts for my birthday, including a modern air purifier from my dear daughters.

The surprises included texts that I read as well as cards, emails and voice mails I heard. However since I no loger visit that platform which has recently lost face, I apologize to all those freinds who may have sent greetings, but did not take the time required to read my parting messages of Adios Amigos, ands Hasta La Vista!

Trump Truth WTF

Submitted by ub on

MAGA 733K updated deaths in the USA after he lied telling us this would quickly go away although he knew it was a serious disease.

Then there are the more than 33K times he became the big fat liar and cheat but now he wants Americans to believe that he is going, to tell the truth? 

WTF, Weigh the facts. How can an individual who lied as long and as much as he does be believed? Drink his truth serum and see how many bottles he can sell before the truth sets you free.

Democrats Doom Democracy

Submitted by ub on

Two Senate Democrats whose support is needed to pass POTUS legislative agenda are looking more each day as USA sell-outs.

Pursuing bipartisanship in Congress is admirable but knowing it’s headed for a dangerous dead-end is destruction for American Democracy.

Perhaps it is now time for President Biden to stop trying to be Mr. Rogers and turn into Mr. Robinson. Democratic leaders should make Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema, and every other senator vote on the real Build Back Better bill. 

Fake Booze?

Submitted by ub on

The troubled platform has reportedly announced plans to rebrand and therefore change its name. What should it now be known as?

What about … A slap in the face? Kick in the face? How many different variations can we think of? Or what about taking that smirk off your face? Are they trying to make everyone FaceAholics? He will reportedly be added to a data privacy lawsuit in one of the first efforts by a regulator to expose him personally to potential penalties.