Veterans Day visits to historic sites

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Celebrate Veterans Day at New York's many historic sites where American veterans helped shape NY state and our national history.

The following sites will be open to the public to commemorate Veterans Day, which takes place on Tuesday, November 11th:

Bennington Battlefield, Rensselaer County. Visit the location of an August 1777 Revolutionary War battle that was critical to the later American victory in the Battles of Saratoga. Grounds will be open Veterans Day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

SUNY Days for Maritime

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SUNY Chancellor, Nancy L. Zimpher officiated at the inauguration of SUNY Maritime College president, Rear Admiral Michael A. Alfultis, Ph.D.

A great leader never takes himself too seriously and the rear admiral set a fine example by referring to himself as a frustrated preacher during his short acceptance speech.

This inauguration was the culmination of a celebration for the investiture of Dr. Alfultis as the College’s 11th president, and of Maritime College’s 140th anniversary year.

Celebrating 11/11

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This date is once again noted as eleven eleven. Number Eleven possesses the qualities of intuition, patience, honesty, sensitivity, and spirituality, and is idealistic. Others turn to 'ELEVEN' for teaching and inspiration, and are usually uplifted by the experience.

In Asia, it is celebrated as the day for singles. It is also the most popular day for online shopping. There will be more shopping and internet activity than any other day, including Back Friday, or Cyber-Monday.

This Week in Her and History

This Week in History, Nov 10 - Nov 16

Nov 10, 1969
Sesame Street debuts. On this day in 1969, "Sesame Street," a pioneering TV show that would teach generations of young children the alphabet and how to count, makes its broadcast debut. "Sesame Street," with its memorable theme song ("Can you tell me how to get/How to get to Sesame Street"), went on to become the most widely viewed children's program in the world. It has aired in more than 120 countries. The show was the brainchild of Joan Ganz Cooney, a former documentary producer for public television. Cooney's goal was to create programming for preschoolers that was both entertaining and educational. She also wanted to use TV as a way to help underprivileged 3- to 5- year-olds prepare for kindergarten. "Sesame Street" was set in a fictional New York neighborhood and included ethnically diverse characters and positive social messages.

Nov 11, 1918
World War I ends. At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the Great War ends. At 5 a.m. that morning, Germany, bereft of manpower and supplies and faced with imminent invasion, signed an armistice agreement with the Allies in a railroad car outside Compiégne, France. The First World War left nine million soldiers dead and 21 million wounded, with Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, France, and Great Britain each losing nearly a million or more lives. In addition, at least five million civilians died from disease, starvation, or exposure. On June 28, 1914, in an event that is widely regarded as sparking the outbreak of World War I, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian empire, was shot to death with his wife by Bosnian Serb Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo, Bosnia. Ferdinand had been inspecting his uncle's imperial armed forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina, despite the threat of Serbian nationalists who wanted these Austro-Hungarian possessions to join newly independent Serbia. Austria-Hungary blamed the Serbian government for the attack and hoped to use the incident as justification for settling the problem of Slavic nationalism once and for all. However, as Russia supported Serbia, an Austro-Hungarian declaration of war was delayed until its leaders received assurances from German leader Kaiser Wilhelm II that Germany would support their cause in the event of a Russian intervention.

Nov 12, 1954
Ellis Island closes. On this day in 1954, Ellis Island, the gateway to America, shuts it doors after processing more than 12 million immigrants since opening in 1892. Today, an estimated 40 percent of all Americans can trace their roots through Ellis Island, located in New York Harbor off the New Jersey coast and named for merchant Samuel Ellis, who owned the land in the 1770s. On January 2, 1892, 15-year-old Annie Moore, from Ireland, became the first person to pass through the newly opened Ellis Island, which President Benjamin Harrison designated as America's first federal immigration center in 1890. Before that time, the processing of immigrants had been handled by individual states.

Nov 13, 1982
Vietnam Veterans Memorial dedicated. Near the end of a week-long national salute to Americans who served in the Vietnam War, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial is dedicated in Washington after a march to its site by thousands of veterans of the conflict. The long-awaited memorial was a simple V-shaped black-granite wall inscribed with the names of the 57,939 Americans who died in the conflict, arranged in order of death, not rank, as was common in other memorials. The designer of the memorial was Maya Lin, a Yale University architecture student who entered a nationwide competition to create a design for the monument. Lin, born in Ohio in 1959, was the daughter of Chinese immigrants. Many veterans' groups were opposed to Lin's winning design, which lacked a standard memorial's heroic statues and stirring words. However, a remarkable shift in public opinion occurred in the months after the memorial's dedication. Veterans and families of the dead walked the black reflective wall, seeking the names of their loved ones killed in the conflict. Once the name was located, visitors often made an etching or left a private offering, from notes and flowers to dog tags and cans of beer.


RIP Mark Helmke

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There has been an extremely moving show of affection in the tri state region of Indiana for a fallen communications comrade. My friend Mark Helmke, who liked to refer to us as the team of hack and flack, and who I enjoyed calling my little brother. He suddenly died by the shore of Lake James the night before his birthday.

NYPL digital storytelling seminar

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The New York Public Library City Island Branch Lecture: Multimedia Journalism Seminar: Presented by longtime City Island resident, Professor Roberto Soto.

Saturday's free program discussed the creation of interactive content, with photos, audio and video. Soto lectured on the production of online content, which can be best told in a multimedia format and by producing original stories using images, photos video and audio. Because great story tellers have been and will continue to be all around us forever.

Dose of News

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Dose of News is a one stop news and information content website offering multiple links to a massive amount and a wide range of current events about art, science, investigative journalism, breaking news, good news features, health, politics, lifestyles, finance and much more.

These stories are selected from a wide assortment of articles researched, written, reported, and crafted by some of the best and finest professionals in the news business and gathered from all over the world.

R0BERT0 S0T0 is a multilingual communicator, who has worked for major market news and information outlets in newspaper, broadcast, wire services and the world wide web , for government, public, commercial and non profit international media organizations. As a senior multimedia executive Soto pitched, wrote and produced breaking news, features, financial news and coordinated charts and graphics during literally hundreds of major news cycles.

Soto helped launch NBC News' The Source and Overnight, UnivisionNoticias, Noticiero Telemundo, Televisión Martí, USIA-TV,… , News 12 New York's First Regional Cable News Channel News 12, Associated Press Television News,, Imaginus,, City Images,, Dose Of News,

Soto has also been delighted to be able to boost the careers of endless numbers of talented, well known and successful media professionals, who have worked for ABC, Antena 3, CBS, CCTV, Ecuavisa, Fox, NBC, NPR, Phoenix TV, Telemundo, Univision, Voice of America and many other international media organizations.


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Lehman Center for the Performing Arts continues its spectacular 34th season with the return of legendary salsa pioneers PAPO LUCCA and LA SONORA PONCEÑA for their 60th Anniversary Concert with special guests YOLANDA RIVERA, LUIGI TEXIDOR, and HECTOR PICHI PÉREZ with MC PACO NAVARRO on Saturday, November 22nd, 2014 at 8pm. For the first time at Lehman Center, Luigi Texidor, Yolanda Rivera and Hector Pichi Pérez will be reuniting with Maestro Papo Lucca and La Sonora Ponceña celebrating their 60th Anniversary Concert.

LA SONORA PONCEÑA was formed in Puerto Rico in 1954 by Enrique “Quique” Lucca, who named the band after the famous Cuban band Sonora Matancera and his home city of Ponce, thus Sonora Ponceña. Don Quique created a distinct salsa sound using a full percussion section, with only trumpets in his horn section that in turn harmonized with the piano and voices. By 1956 the group included pianist Vicentico Morales, with Quique’s ten-year-old son, Enrique “PAPO” LUCCA Jr., already at the piano writing arrangements. Papo recorded his first piano solo, “Smoke Mambo“, in 1958 at age twelve. The band’s early recordings featured various popular vocalists of the time, until Tito Gomez joined the band, staying until 1974. By 1960, the band had performed in New York, catching the attention of Fania/Inca Records owner Jerry Masucci. After studies at the Puerto Rico Conservatory of Music, Papo was an accomplished pianist and arranger, and in 1968 Don Quique stepped down as musical director. Now under Papo’s direction, the La Sonora Ponceña’s sound became a fusion of traditional Cuban and modern Latin styles. In 1969 they released their first Inca LP, with all arrangements by Papo, Hachero Pa’ Un Palo, whose hit title song established them as salsa pioneers. They recorded 30 more albums for Inca and by 1980 were a huge success. As salsa romántica became popular, they adjusted to commercial forces without deserting their trademark sound. La Sonora Ponceña has recorded over 35 albums, garnering dozens of platinum and gold releases of unforgettable music with hits such as “Fuego en El 23”, “Juana Bayona”, “Moreno Soy“, “Borinquen“ and “Suena El Piano“. The band’s most recent albums are 2011’s El Gigante del Sur and A Band and Their Music.

Serious about playing games

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Shanghai China is one of the largest and most active markets for online and mobile gaming on earth, making it a serious game changer. China's online games market continues to surge. Set to top $8 Billion before the end of this decade.

Next year there will be nearly 300 million Chinese gamers, playing a couple of hours per month and 64% of Chinese gamers regularly spend money on online games. Revenues for the Chinese mobile-game market are expected to grow a whopping 93% to $2.9 billion in 2014 and reach $7.7 billion by 2018.


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Republicans now control of The Senate and The US House of Representatives in a wave of Election Day wins which serve as a repudiation of President Barack Obama's second-term policies and put a series of Democratic states under control of new Republican governors.

Republicans won formerly Democratic Senate seats in seven states, including Arkansas, Montana, South Dakota, West Virginia, Iowa, Colorado and North Carolina.

Republicans scored a net gain of six seats to win the majority for the first time since 2006.