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Porque soy un hombre sincero de donde crece la palma, y casi recién casado, tengo una confesión que hacertes. Estoy saliendo con una chica increíble. Es hermosa, buena persona, inteligente, no fuma, ni bebe alcohol y tiene una inmensa capacidad para amarme. A mi siempre me encanta llevarla a cenar, al cine, a tomar yogurt helado, y a visitar a nuestra familia y todos los amigos.


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Thousands of proud Dominicans marched down the avenue of The Americas this afternoon.

Nelson Peña organized the parade with dozens of floats and representations from the police, sports, professionals, unions, and community groups, as well as politicians, federal officials and from other states, including the mayors of the 32 Dominican provincial capitals.

The colorful parade turned NYC into a living stage, where thousands of Dominicans praised traditions, culture, customs and their rich history.


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Are you prepared for the biggest and brightest Super-moon? It is set to rise at 7:55P on Sunday and is expected to set at 7:20A Monday.

This one will truly be a special cosmological treat. The year’s biggest and brightest full moon will soon be rising.

Riding Saves Lives

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Choose Ride for Vision Zero. This is your direct link to fund-raise leading up to your ride on the NYC Century Bike Tour. You'll get to register for half price, then it's up to you to fund-raise support for the fight for Vision Zero.

Use T.A.'s online fundraising platform and earn rewards for making New York City streets safer. Minimum of $200.


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It's been billed as the largest mall in NYC. On August 14, interested shoppers will have a look and decide if this just completed addition represents a new life for a twenty five year old mall.

Back in 1957 the first fully enclosed shopping mall was built in USA. Since then, shopping had been a favorite American pastime. New shopping malls changed the landscape of multiple communities across this country at the rate of 140 a year.


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Since its inception in 1974, the City Island, New York City-based Focal Point Gallery has established itself to be the premier photography and art gallery. Envisioned as a cultural ambassador by Clam Diggers and Mussel Suckers alike, Artistic Director Ron Terner brings together individually distinguished solo and group exhibits hailing from all different walks of life, including community based and youth artistic development programs.


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Throughout my career, I have hired hundreds and unfortunately fired, or laid off dozens. However, not until recently had I been faced with the task of being interviewed by robots. But experts say this new trend will not stop.

According to predictions collected by Pew Research Center and Elon University, nearly 1,900 technology experts were asked if automated artificial intelligence applications will have displaced more jobs than they have created by 2025.


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US scientists have mapped the Gulf of Mexico dead zone, an area with low oxygen water, measuring 5,052 square miles, which is approximately the size of Connecticut. The measurements were taken during the 30th annual hypoxia survey cruise from July 27 to August 2.

This area falls within the predicted range of 4,633 to 5,708 square miles forecast by a suite of NOAA-sponsored models and confirms the accuracy of the models and their utility for guiding management of nutrients in the Mississippi River watershed.

National Night Out Against Crime

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Any municipality, law enforcement agency, crime prevention organization, community group, or neighborhood interested in participating, is invited to contact NATW now to receive information on National Night Out 2014. There is no cost to register.

Once registered with NATW, local coordinators receive an organizational kit full of ‘how to’ materials including planning suggestions, guidelines, sample new releases, promotional guides – and interim updates throughout the year.

Americans across this nation will hit the streets tonight for the annual National Night Out Against Crime.