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Racial divisions are caused by deep rooted ignorance. It is no longer acceptable to avoid equality. It is time to face the challenges of a developing interracial society.

It does not matter whether it is an Islamic State involved in mass killings and executions of prisoners that could amount to war crimes, stopping refugees near borders, or public safety officials shooting and killing unarmed citizens.

Three quarters of white Americans don't have any non-white friends


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A strong California earthquake has caused injuries and plenty of damage. The 6.0 quake is the largest to hit the San Francisco Bay Area in over 25 years.

The quake sent scores of people to hospitals, ignited fires, damaged multiple historic buildings and knocked out power to tens of thousands in California's wine country on Sunday.

Beheader Identified

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British intelligence officials have reportedly identified the British Jihadi fighter who is suspected of murdering American journalist James Foley, according to The Sunday Times.

The masked man with a London accent is known to fellow fighters as “Jihadi John”, was seen in the shocking video of Foley’s death released by the Isis extremist army last week.

This Week in Her and History

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This Week in History, Aug 24 - Aug 30

Aug 24, 79
Vesuvius erupts. After centuries of dormancy, Mount Vesuvius erupts in southern Italy, devastating the prosperous Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum and killing thousands. The cities, buried under a thick layer of volcanic material and mud, were never rebuilt and largely forgotten in the course of history. In the 18th century, Pompeii and Herculaneum were rediscovered and excavated, providing an unprecedented archaeological record of the everyday life of an ancient civilization, startlingly preserved in sudden death.

Aug 25, 1835
The Great Moon Hoax. On this day in 1835, the first in a series of six articles announcing the supposed discovery of life on the moon appears in the New York Sun newspaper. Known collectively as "The Great Moon Hoax," the articles were supposedly reprinted from the Edinburgh Journal of Science. The byline was Dr. Andrew Grant, described as a colleague of Sir John Herschel, a famous astronomer of the day. Herschel had in fact traveled to Capetown, South Africa, in January 1834 to set up an observatory with a powerful new telescope. As Grant described it, Herschel had found evidence of life forms on the moon, including such fantastic animals as unicorns, two-legged beavers and furry, winged humanoids resembling bats. The articles also offered vivid description of the moon's geography, complete with massive craters, enormous amethyst crystals, rushing rivers and lush vegetation.


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Whether you’re a professional journalist, a citizen reporter, an independent blogger, a news junkie, or anyone else who values current events and the latest information content in the broadest sense of the word, here’s a site that will gain popularity and earn trust.



Crime data is provided in map format for the, “seven major NYS Penal Law felonies” (Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter, Rape, Robbery, Felonious Assault, Burglary, Grand Larceny and Grand Larceny Motor Vehicle.


Digital Media Lowers Social Skills

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In today’s world, digital media use begins at a very early age and takes up a large proportion of the informal learning environment, making it essential to assess the effects of the substantial amount of time children engage with media.

A new study provides evidence that, in five days of being limited to in-person interaction without access to any screen-based or media device for communication, preteens improved on measures of nonverbal emotion understanding, significantly more than a control group.


City Island Images condemns the brutal beheading of journalist James Foley. Jim was captured by pro-Qadaffi forces in Libya back in 2011 and held for six weeks. He had been with three other journalists when they came under fire near Brega. South African photographer Anton Hammer was killed.



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The Russians are coming and their excuse is that they were frustrated by a week of delays after sending over "130 AID" trucks. These vehicles rolled into rebel-held eastern Ukraine today without the direct approval of the government in Kiev. Ukraine called the move a "direct invasion" that aimed to provoke an international incident.

Fighting in eastern Ukraine began back in mid-April, a month after Russia annexed Ukraine's southern Black Sea peninsula. It has killed over 2,000 people and forced 340,000 to flee, according to the United Nations.


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RETURNING BY POPULAR DEMAND, Lynn and Bob are organizing The semiannual City Island Reunion tomorrow, Saturday August 22, 2014 at Ambrosini Field.

Come reunite and celebrate with old friends and family. Some you haven’t seen in decades, some you've seen at the last reunion.

• Listen to live music by local bands, past and present.

• Entertainment for kids, including volleyball, basketball and softball games, so bring your glove.

• There will be a memorial board to post photos of beloved family & friends.

• Reunion memorabilia will be available for sale.