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Hundreds of Palestinians, including those at a UN shelter and dozen of Israelis have been killed so far during the during the two week conflict, including 147 children and 74 women.

United Nations human rights officials have warned both sides not indiscriminately attack civilians, and added that these violations may amount to war crimes.

U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said Wednesday around three-quarters of those killed in the Gaza Strip were civilians and thousands more have been injured.


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Guess who turns one year old today? The future king of England. Prince George of Cambridge.

Britain's Prince George is watching everyone celebrate his birthday amid a media frenzy that involves glossy specials, a commemorative coin, and they've even coined a new word "Georgeous" to describe him.

BBC News - Birthday celebrations for Prince George

He is the fresh prince People talk about: Prince George's Wacky Gifts: From a Baby Crocodile to a Field of Flowers,,20395222_20836343,… via @PeopleMag


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Way too many US voters are staying home and choosing not to cast their ballots. Why have more than half the states holding primary elections seen record-low turnouts?

Total number of Americans eligible to vote 206,072,000
Total number of Americans registered to vote 146,311,000
Total number of Americans who voted in the 2012 Presidential election 131,144,000

According to Pew researchers, US partisan polarization is the vast and growing gap between Republicans and Democrats and is a defining feature of politics today.

This Week in Her and History

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This Week in History, Jul 20 - Jul 26

Jul 20, 1969
Armstrong walks on moon. At 10:56 p.m. EDT, American astronaut Neil Armstrong, 240,000 miles from Earth, speaks these words to more than a billion people listening at home: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Stepping off the lunar landing module Eagle, Armstrong became the first human to walk on the surface of the moon. The American effort to send astronauts to the moon has its origins in a famous appeal President John F. Kennedy made to a special joint session of Congress on May 25, 1961: "I believe this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth." At the time, the United States was still trailing the Soviet Union in space developments, and Cold War-era America welcomed Kennedy's bold proposal.

Jul 21, 1861
The First Battle of Bull Run. In the first major land battle of the Civil War, a large Union force under General Irvin McDowell is routed by a Confederate army under General Pierre G.T. Beauregard. Three months after the Civil War erupted at Fort Sumter, Union military command still believed that the Confederacy could be crushed quickly and with little loss of life. In July, this overconfidence led to a premature offensive into northern Virginia by General McDowell. Searching out the Confederate forces, McDowell led 34,000 troops--mostly inexperienced and poorly trained militiamen--toward the railroad junction of Manassas, located just 30 miles from Washington, D.C. Alerted to the Union advance, General Beauregard massed some 20,000 troops there and was soon joined by General Joseph Johnston, who brought some 9,000 more troops by railroad.


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Approximately 100 locals turned out to the Harlem Yacht Club to watch this lovely sunset and attend Opera nigh on City Island. These folks enjoyed an eclectic evening of fine music and memories that will last forever.

Star, diva and soprano Melissa Primavera, who will soon be traveling to Europe after performing the role of Clotilde in Bellini’s Norma for St. Petersburg Opera was joined by City Island's Freddie Lando for an evening of opera classics and Broadway favorites.

Can We Talk About The F Word?

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No, its not what you may have been thinking, or though otherwise, but scientists now say that smelling FARTS may be good for us.

Most everyone who has accidentally let one rip in a social situation understands the personal embarrassment of getting caught passing gas. If you felt it, you dealt it. But instead of being ashamed when you fart in public, you should embrace your dirty deed with pride, as you may have just helped saved someone's life. Well, that's what a study currently getting some attention might suggest, but it's more complicated than that.


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We celebrate the anniversary of her death - The Queen of The Americas.

She was born in Habana, Cuba: Úrsula Hilaria Celia de la Caridad Cruz Alfonso de la Santísima Trinidad and was best known by her stage name CELIA CRUZ.

She was a Cuban salsa singer a unique personality and a performer. Celia was born on October 21, 1925, in Habana, Cuba and died on July 16, 2003, Fort Lee, New Jersey, USA from brain cancer. I covered her funeral held in NYC and will remember her for a song she recorded that dealt with her yearning to return to her beloved Cuba, The Pearl of the Antilles.

40 + Armed Global Conflicts

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Some say the world is a ghetto and that may not be too far from the truth, when it come to several regions, where war is an everyday occurrence..

There are more than 40 ongoing armed conflicts that are taking place on earth, which continue to result in violent deaths. We're on the even of destruction and no one has sent out the message.


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SCREENING INVITATION: On Monday, July 21, 6 PM at Dolby 88, 1350 Avenue of the Americas between 54th and 55th Streets, Hector Simon Pegg, who is a quirky psychiatrist and has become increasingly tired of his humdrum life. He tells his girlfriend, Clara (Rosamund Pike), he feels like a fraud: he hasn't really tasted life, and yet he's offering advice to patients who are just not getting any happier.