It's the most wonderful time of the year. It begins with Halloween and through The Epiphany on January 6, Three Kings Day.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHD7O5p_Ol8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gumQ6Na-aI
It's the most wonderful time of the year. It begins with Halloween and through The Epiphany on January 6, Three Kings Day.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHD7O5p_Ol8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gumQ6Na-aI
While the National Nursing Home aka the US Senate tries to fill the expanding void The Out House begins to burn from within.
Meanwhile, Republicans vowed to stay in the rat race for the speaker's gavel NOT IN OUR DISTRICT - YOU’RE FIRED!
Rite Aid filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy due to a large debt load and thousands of lawsuits alleging involvement in the opioid crisis
I wonder if they are the only ones, and if a large number of the stores are in low income neighborhoods, like the one I had my last COVID booster vaccine?
Trump needs your prayers because the so-called useful idiot hasn’t realized the severity of his increasingly mounting legal peril.
POTUS Joe Biden Delivered A White House Address on the Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine Wars following his historic trip.
President Biden addressed the nation on the United States' response to the ongoing Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine wars from the White House’s Oval Office.
I am a proud and passionate multilingual Latino media maestro and an experienced leader who loves to help folks and teams grow.
My specialty is excelling at startups and turnaround in media, which offers many puzzles to solve. Every day there is a new opportunity to try something we have never done before and that makes communications an exciting field to be in. However, we must be vigilant as “Trust In Media Remains Near Record Low.”
From Teddy Roosevelt’s stick to the #DramaQueenTrump threats, all these tactics have been backfiring on the Republican leadership.
The house is not a home GOP game and mob-style threats have turned one-time supporters into GOP lawmakers who are now more entrenched in their opposition, to a hot air and BS bid for the speaker's gavel.
POTUS Joe Biden has a $100 billion foreign aid package that includes assistance for Israel and Ukraine security and defenses.
The President will be delivering a national address to the nation at 8P tomorrow night, following his diplomstic mission to Israel.
Joe Biden cancels Jordan visit, Palestinian summit with Egypt canceled https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-768908
According to published reports, the former guy will try and stumble at the truth during one of his recent social media rants.
Finally, this multiple indicted, twice impeached and convicted rapist says to protect Democracy, he needs to go to prison!